NEW YORK NEW YORK – Back in New York I met Francesca (our daughter) for dinner at a college burger joint near Columbia. They had Full Sail beer on the menu (the only time that I’ve seen it on the East Coast) so I ordered a dark one. Taken with my iPhone (what did I do before I had this thing?).
Full Sail
Because I’ve assiduously kept this blog I know that I was at the Full Sail Brewery in Hood River Oregon (a bit east of Portland) on October 27, 2009, over two years ago, when I captured this image:
HOOD RIVER, ORECON – We had a delightful few hours with the brewmaster at the Full Sail Brewery in Hood River, Oregon.  We had the run of the place, but again the pictures of the brewery are not very successful – more stainless steel tanks and hoses and pipes. Here’s a sample: