Travel Urban

Wednesday July 14, 2010

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – Boston is not Barcelona. There is plenty of public art in Boston, but the quality overall is just ok. Here’s a part of a sculpture – the tail of what looks likes the Loch Ness monster that runs down the middle of the stairway that I’m standing on.

Leica M9 and 28mm Summcron lens.

-Woody's Picks Street Transportation Travel

Tuesday July 13, 2010

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – A break between meetings in my monthly trip to Boston.  This image picks up a theme that I worked on in Ecuador.
Bus Station, Boston

Leica M9 and 28mm Summicron lens – two images stitched in Photoshop.

Landscape Urban

Wednesday June 16, 2010

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – Up early to prepare for meetings, I made this panorama of sunrise over Boston harbor. I’ve written elsewhere that I don’t have much use for photographs of sunrises and sunsets, They do, after all, happen every day: its unlikely that I or anyone else is going to create great or unusual work by pointing a camera east in the early morning. I doubt that any artist since Joseph Mallord William Turner has made much of a contribution to our understanding or appreciation of sunrises and sunsets. I’ve pasted a copy of Turner’s Sunrise with Sea Monsters below.

One also has to consider the burden at this time of year of getting up very early to photograph a sunrise: sunrise today in Boston was at 5:06. That’s actually why I’ve posted a sunrise – I had a very busy day in Boston so I got up early to capture my image for the day. The first frame of this image was time stamped by the camera as 10:00:50 because I set the clock in all of my cameras to UTC so I don’t have to worry about whether they are on correct local time when I travel.

Sunrise Boston Harbor

Leica M9 plus 35mm Summicron Asph.

Turner Sunrise with Sea Monsters

Landscape Urban

Tuesday June 15, 2010

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – I made my monthly trip to Boston. Here’s a facade of a building that proudly announces its address as 289 Devonshire Street.
Link to Google map
289 Devonshire Street, Boston

Leica M9 with 35mm Summicron Asph. Three frames stitched.

-Woody's Picks Landscape Street Urban

Tuesday March 16, 2010


Cash for your Warhol

Landscape Urban

Wednesday January 20, 2010



Landscape Urban

Tuesday January 19, 2010

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS  – Snow and sleet in Boston on January 19, the day of the special Senate election.


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