Landscape Urban

Thursday January 23, 2014

SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA – I drove back here early – the sky was poor for landscape so I decided to spend the day walking San Francisco. Here is a mini-gallery of images with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm standard lens. Sorry about the number of images. Editing is difficult without the passage of a bit more time, which provides perspective. Many of the images are stitches; the first is actually composed of 10 separate exposures.

I lived in San Francisco for a year back in the day. It’s changed surprisingly little. South of Market has gentrified a bit but the tenderloin has moved north to the area behind the St. Francis Hotel and appears to be more robust than ever.

Day 1,561 in an unbroken string of at least one photo every day.

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco

On this day last year: The Diner.

14th Street
14th Street

Small town

Wednesday January 22, 2014

GROVELAND CALIFORNIA – Most of today was spent editing photographs. The light was poor at sunrise so I didm’t go out. Here’s a detail from the town taken on a break from editing with my usual kit: a Leica Monochrom and 50 Summicron Asph. lens.

Day 1,560 of one picture each day for the rest of my life.

Second hand furniture store
Second hand furniture store

On this day last year: Post Office and Lipstick Building.

Post office
Post office


Tuesday January 21, 2014

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK CALIFORNIA – A long day of shooting here, starting with a sunrise in the valley, then a visit to the Sequoias, and finally a sunset. I shot with a lot of equipment so I won’t bother with a summary. I’m putting up a mini gallery here because I really haven’t been able to decide on one single image.

Day 1,559 of an unbroken string of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Yosemite morning
Yosemite morning
Yosemite sunset
Yosemite sunset
El Capitan
El Capitan

On this day one year ago: In the barn.



Sunday January 19, 2013

CHINESE CAMP CALIFORNIA – A ghost town/refuge for those living off the grid. Not the friendliest town that I’ve ever been in. Chinese Camp is a gold rush town settled in the mid 1850s and is reputedly the site of the first Tong war in the US. All images with my Leica S2 medium format camera.

Day 1,557 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.

Chinese Camp CA
Chinese Camp CA
Chinese Camp CA
Chinese Camp CA
Chinese Camp CA
Chinese Camp CA
Chinese Camp CA
Chinese Camp CA

On this day one year ago: Litchfield Church.

Litchfield Church
Litchfield Church

Portrait Street

Sunday January 6, 2013

VENICE CALIFORNIA – We had a shopping and eating day today on Abbot Kinney Boulevard, which is said to be one of the best shopping streets in the world. By whom I don’t know. Perhaps someone who has never been to Paris or Milan. But it really is kind of funky and fun. Images taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Summilux lens.
Abbot Kinney Boulevard
Abbot Kinney Boulevard

This with my iPhone and then “percolated”

Brewed in Percolator
Brewed in Percolator

On this day last year: Risotto alla Milanese. Home cooking. Have I mentioned that I’m a foodie?

Risotto alla Milanese
Risotto alla Milanese

Animals Portrait Travel

Saturday January 5, 2013

SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA – We started the day in Manhattan and ended it in Santa Monica. Maria is here on business and I’m tagging along to explore Santa Monica and Naples and to drive up to Camera West in Rancho Mirage to trade my extensive Phase One and Alpa technical camera gear for a Leica S medium format camera. The technical camera actually brings out the worst in me – my shooting gets cramped and stilted (to my eye) once I put the camera on a tripod. More on this in future posts. For today I shot this fellow artist on the Santa Monica pier (a refuge for harmless sleaze) with my Leica Monochrome and a 35mm Leica Summilux wide angle lens.

Here’s a no-no. A pet. Basil, our splendid Norwich Terrier. I’ve sworn never to post pictures of pets or cute kids, so this is bad behavior on my part. Taken with my iPhone and processed a bit.


On this day last year: a travel day at Midway Airport.


Transportation Travel

Monday March 8, 2010

PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA – A thoroughly bad day for landscape photography.  Up at 5:00 AM to drive to Palm Springs to catch an 8:00 flight to New York.  All air traffic had ground to a halt because of the previous days bad weather and a heavy ground fog.  Almost four hours of delay.  We finally arrived in New York in the dark.

Here’s our departure gate in Palm Springs, waiting for an airplane.

Palm Springs airport

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