-Woody's Picks Desert Landscape Religion

Thursday March 4, 2010

NILAND, CALIFORNIA – Salvation Mountain, near Niland. Right next door to Slab City.

Salvation Mountain

-Woody's Picks Desert Landscape Small town

Tuesday March 2, 2010

SALTON SEA, CALIFORNIA – On the shore of the Salton Sea.

Salton Sea

-Woody's Picks Desert Landscape

Monday March 1, 2010

ANZA-BORREGO DESERT, CALIFORNIA – I grew up in the desert in Utah so arid places are deeply in my comfort zone.  Anzo-Borrego is a serious desert – annual precipitation is less than 7 inches.  During the 1982-89 drought total precipitation was zero.  The Borrego Badlands is often listed as the hottest place in the United States – average summer temperatures are 107 degrees.  Highs of 125 degrees have been recorded.

But this spring there has been reasonable rainfall, so the desert here is remarkably green.

Desert in bloom

Desert Landscape

Sunday February 28, 2010

SALTON SEA, CALIFORNIA – Sunset, after a long day of travel to the California desert.  This is the Salton Sea

Salton Sea sunset

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