Icon Landscape Urban

Friday February 3, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Now we’re beginning to understand the Nex-7 a little better, and beginning to rock and roll. Here we are on Lexington Avenue in the 50s with a fairly typical take for me on Citicorp Center. Taken with the Nex-7 and the Sony Zeiss 24mm lens.

On this day last year: Time Warner

Landscape Urban

Monday November 28, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Back at it in the office with a number of pressing projects. I often stop at Citicorp Center to see what’s going on, visually. This is a four frame stitch with my Leica M9 and a 35mm Summilux Asp. II lens, shot at f 1.4.
Citicorp Center
Citicorp Center
Warren Storm
Warren Storm

On this day one year ago: Another building in New Preston Connecticut.

Harry O Erickson Pavilion Hall, New Preston Connecticut
Harry O Erickson Pavilion Hall, New Preston Connecticut

Landscape Street Urban

Monday October 3, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – As you might expect this is an emotionally flat day for me after all of the excitement of the wedding. My mojo is elsewhere. It’s gone into hiding. I hope it’s not gone forever. But I threw my Alpa into a small bag and soldiered on. I caught this at Citicorp Center on my way to the office. Everyone is alone, facing away from everyone else. Everyone is an island. That’s what life is like sans mojo. A lucky shot. Odd how you can do well at something regardless of your state of mind by just doing it daily.

The Alpa (with an 80 meg medium format back) is very demanding of technique when used handheld. At 80 megs of resolution a bit of camera movement was plainly evident in this image. I down-rezed the file to 24 megs – the file size produced by a high end Canon or Nikon – and the jitters disappeared.


On this day last year: a fixer-upper.

[/captio a fixer-uppern].

-Woody's Picks Icon Landscape Urban

Friday November 19, 2010

click for more

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I’m exploring other daily photo blogs – I’m working on a page of links and critique that I’ll post here when its finished. There actually aren’t many of them. The one I like best is one polaroid a day over an 18 year period, to the photographer’s death. Someone has lovingly scanned and uploaded the 7,000 odd images, and built a very nice flash gallery. Here’s a link: Anyway, I’ve been doing more in Manhattan in the early evening with my ultra-wide 12mm lens:
Citcorp Center at night
November 19, 2010
Citicorp Center redux
November 20, 2010

On this day last year: Telephones at Grand Central shot with the bokeh king.

Grand Central Terminal - lower level

Icon Landscape Out my window

Tuesday September 28, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – An overcast day with intermit clearing. The sky is really low. Here’s Citicorp center out my office window. I’m using a “new” old lens: a 40mm Leica Summicron-C from 1977. This lens was designed for use with the Leica CL, a “budget” camera produced in a joint venture with Minolta. Leica CL. I found this lens, which is in perfect condition, at a very good price on e-bay – I’ve been watching for one for some time. It has the advantage of being the most compact Leica-built lens for M-mount cameras. It appears to be very, very good. I’ll be exploring its capabilities over the next few days.


Icon Landscape Urban

Monday June 7, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A very busy day as I prepare to go to Mustique tomorrow.  I caught  this view of Citicorp with my Leica on my way to a lunch date.
Citicorp Center

Leica M9 and 35mm Summicron Asph.

Icon Landscape Urban

Thursday March 18, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Citicorp Center from Lexington Avenue.


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