
Saturday December 5, 2015

LITCHFIELD CONNECTICUT – Another day out with my Leica Monochrom and my 55 year old Leica Dual Range Summicron lens. This time in this lovely historic town. I’ve shot the Congregational Meeting House before, but I still find it magical. The shadow selfie breaks my rule against selfies, but I’m feeling rebellious today. Overall nice results.

Day 2242 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2242 of one photograph every day for he rest of my life.
Day 2242 of one photograph every day for he rest of my life.
Congregational Meeting House
Day 2242 of one photograph every day for he rest of my life.
Congregational Meeting House

On this day last year (day 1877): Subway

Day 1877 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life
Civic Center

Interior Landscape

Monday September 7, 2015

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’ve gotten a bit behind posting here – I’m taking at least a picture every day but a trip to the Far East has messed up my posting schedule. I’ve got a bunch of images in the can and I’ll catch up by posting twice a day over the next few weeks.

Day 2153 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Congregational Church
Congregational Church

On this day two years ago (day 1423): Beadboard



Monday December 29. 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – You may have noticed that its been a while since I posted an urban image here. That’s because we came up to Connecticut on December 24, 2014; we’re staying here through January 4. This is what my life would look like if we moved to Connecticut full time. Note the prominence of local Congregational meeting houses. This part of Connecticut really is New England, and these structures dominate town greens.

Day 1,901 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Hopkins Vineyard
Hopkins Vineyard
Warren Congregational Meeting House
Warren Congregational Meeting House

On this day two years ago (day 1,170): Litchfield. Three frames stitched, using a vintage 1954 Dual Range Summicron lens.



Saturday October 11, 2014

NEW MILFORD CONNECTICUT – I drove up to Connecticut last night to drop Basil the Norwich Terrier off, and then back to New York today to greet Maria as she returns from Frankfurt. I caught an image of the New Milford Congregational Church (three frames stitched) as I passed through here. Also back in New York a close up with my new Leica T.

Day 1,822 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

New  Milford Congregational Church
New Milford Congregational Church
Soda Stream
Soda Stream

On this day two years ago (day 1,092): Bright day.



Friday December 27, 2013

WASHINGTON CONNECTICUT – New Preston Cemetery. This is on the road from our house to the hardware store so I stop here for photo ops frequently. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 135mm APO Telyt lens. I don’t often shot long buy in this case I liked the perspective compression and selective focus.
New Preston Cemetery
New Preston Cemetery

Ice – more on this in a few days.


On this day one year ago: Stubble Field

Stubble field
Stubble field

Landscape Religion

Sunday August 11, 2013

NEW PRESTON CONNECTICUT – I stopped the New Preston Congregational Church on my Sunday morning newspaper run. This is not a new subject for me but this time I took in some details with my Leica S2 medium format camera. On reflection the angel is not a great work of art – the face lacks the plasticity that a talented sculptor can provide – but hey, who doesn’t like an angel.
Warren Congregational Church
Warren Congregational Church
Warren Congregational Church
Warren Congregational Church
Warren Congregational Church
Warren Congregational Church

On this year last year: Flags project.

Field of Flags
Field of Flags


Saturday March 9, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Out with my Leica Monochrom the day after a heavy snowfall. Images are self-explanitory.
Warren  Church
Warren Church
Tanner Hill Road
Tanner Hill Road

On this day last year: Hell’s Kitchen.

It's called a tree
It’s called a tree

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