
Monday October 14, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – More experimenting with lenses today. The third and forth images below are hand held with my Sony 200-600mm, with full extension to 600mm.

Day 3651 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day
Model T Truck
1 photo every day
1 photo every day
Lawn Mower
1 photo every day
Full moon

On this date three years ago (day 2556 of one photo every day): Icon

1 photo every day
Chrysler Building


Sunday October 13, 2015

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We actually have traffic here on weekends in mid-October, as the world descends on us, visitors on the lookout for fall foliage. It is, in fact, glorious, especially when the weather is perfect. I’ve had a long struggle trying to photograph the Eastern deciduous forest (which lacks the scenics points of view of my native Utah). Shooting wide again with my Sony a7riv.

Day 3650 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day
Fall foliage
1 photo every day
Fall foliage
1 photo every day
Fall foliage

On this date five years ago (day 1824 of one photo every day): Skyline drive, Virginia. This picture’s EXIF data suggest it was taken on October 14, but I originally published it as October 13, which may mean that the date in the camera was wrong.

Day 1825 of one picture every day for the rest of my life
Skyline Drive in fog


Saturday August 17, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Bad weather means a major upgrade in photo opportunities. Lovely fog here this morning.

Day 3593 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day
Hay bale in the fog

On this date eight years ago (day 671 of one photograph every day): Central Park West

Central Park
Central Park

Garden Home

Thursday August 15, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – A fern in nice summer light.

Day 3591 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day

On this date eight years ago (day 669): Storm over Central Park

Storm clouds over Manhattan
Storm clouds over Manhattan

Garden Home

Wednesday August 14, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Today I shot a perennial boarder here in our garden with my Sony a7riii and the lovely (incomparable?) Voigtlander 21mm Nokton lens.

Day 3590 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day
Perennial board

On this date five years ago (day 1764 of one photo every day): Cap Rocas

Cap Rocas
Cap Rocas


Monday August 12, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – This is the season of big, fleecy clouds.

Day 3588 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day

On this day eight years ago (day 666 of one photo every day): Shadow on Park Ave

1 photo every day

Garden Landscape

Saturday June 29, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Shooting around here with my Leica M10-P.

Day 3544 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day for the rest of my life
Swimming pool
1 photo every day for the rest of my life.

On this date last year (day 3179 of one photo every day): Piazzetta Capri

1 photo every day for the rest of my life
Stranger, Piazzetta Capri

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