Home Landscape

Friday March 16, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – There has been a long hiatus since my last post. The hard drives with my photo work were stored in boxes for a period when our New York apartment was being painted. Then my website was down for a week for reasons that I’ve finally sorted out with my hosting service. So I’m a month behind in posting, but I have actually kept up on taking at least one image every day, so I’ll be sprinting to catch up on postings. Today’s image reflects the grim fact that spring arrives late in Litchfield County, Connecticut.

Day 3074 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

It’s still winter in Litchfield county

On this date eight years ago (day 152): Cash for your Warhol. Translated into black and white.

Cash for your Warhol


Sunday March 11, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I experimented today with a “new” camera. I sent my several-years-old Sony a7rii to Monochrom Imaging for conversion to black and white only. This service removes the camera’s bayer filter layer; this coupled with converting the resulting files with software the does not run a de-mosaicing routine should approximately double the resolution of the sensor from the camera’s native 42 megs to a whooping 84 megs, way into medium format territory.

Key questions are whether the camera works properly after the change, whether the theoretical resolution increase is actually achieved, the impact on shadow detail and dynamic range, whether the best native Sony and Zeiss lenses are up to the increased resolution, and whether the sensor’s rendering of gray scale is attractive. I’ve can report positive impressions on all five questions – I’ll be shooting with this camera a lot over the coming months.

The barn below is a test image – I use the barn frequently to test resolution and other aspects of an image. As you can see the rendering is lovely. What can’t be conveyed on the web is the insane amount of detail captured. The other two images are from the same camera captured during a session on show shoes. Winter continues here.

Day 3069 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Test Image
Tanner Farm

On this day four years ago (day 1608): Manhattan Borough Hall

Day 1609 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Manhattan Borough Hall


Saturday March 10, 2018

WARREN CT – This terrible early Spring continues. We can barely get into our mailbox.

Day 3068 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Winter never leaves Warreen CT.

On this date four years ago (day 1607 of one photo every day): The coldest night of the year

Day 1608 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life


Friday March 9, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I spent some quality time today exploring the Angevine tree farm – a Christmas tree farm just across the valley from us.

Day 3067 of one photograph every day for the rest of your life.

Winter lingers
Winter lingers

On this day last year (day 2702 of one photo every day): Central Park



Saturday February 3, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – It’s winter here. Shot with my Sony A7Riii and the Zeiss 85mm f1.8 Sonar lens.

Day 3033 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this day three years ago: Umaid Bawhan Palace, Jodhpur India

Umaid Bhawan Palace
Umaid Bhawan Palace


Saturday January 27, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Not much going on here today. But this is a photograph . . . Three years ago is a different thing entirely.

Day 3026 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date three years ago (day 1930): Udaipur India

Day 1930 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life
Leopard Camp

Interior Landscape

Sunday January 14, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Here we are at home in Connecticut with the small barn that we’ve converted to a gym. I’ve shot the facade many times – I use it to test new cameras and lenses – today my new Sony RX1Rii, a very high quality “pocketable” camera that I will be shooting exclusively for the next few weeks.

Day 3013 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Our small barn
A test image

On this day six years ago (day 822 of one photo every day): A local baker. A Belgian baker and candy maker located in neighboring Kent CT. He was a former White House pastry chef – he subsequently left the community, presumably for grander things.


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