Culture Landscape Street Urban

Friday December 23, 2016

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another day of not being able to figure out which image to post. There was pretty good light as I walked around (starting from my office) to finish Christmas shopping. Apologies for the clutter.

Day 2626 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Donald Judd
Look up
Vacant lot

On this day three years ago (day 1530): Foggy morning


Interior Landscape Urban Work

Thursday November 15, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Walking through the reception area in our offices I spotted a lovely composition made by the sun and shadows on a piece of art and furniture. I ran for my camera, took a couple of shots studying the composition and called it my image for the day. One of the better images recently, so I guess it is possible to get into the moment when I’m busy if there is actually something to see. When I uploaded the images to process them I was surprised to find that a random exposure that I took in the morning just to see if the camera was working was actually kind of interesting. This is in the category of “purse art” – images taken at random the way a mobile phone sometimes dials from a purse – that I have explored before. Both images with my 1958 dual range summicron (a completely charming lens) and my Leica Monochrom.

On this date last year: Photo object.

Photo object
Photo object

Family and friends Portrait

Tuesday October 23, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A day of meetings. Here is a group of my colleagues taken with my Leica Monochrom and 28mm Summicron lens, which is ungenerous to those standing near the edge of the frame.

On this day one year ago: Late fall landscape. I shot substantially the same scene a few days ago but in black and white. See October 13, 2012

Fall is still here
Fall is still here

Interior Landscape Urban

Monday March 26, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – My iPhone’s capabilities as a camera continue to impress me. This little guy is always available and produces surprisingly capable results. Somewhere along the line it developed a little camera icon on the lock screen which permits you to take a picture without entering your password – a major plus for the spur of the moment shots. I spent part of the morning pressing the iPhone felt against store windows. I caught nice light in a conference room in the afternoon.

On this day last year: Birches.


Icon Interior Work

Monday January 30, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Well here I am in my office with my new Nex-7 camera and a Leica 35mm Summciron v.4 lens, the “bokeh king” (“let’s strap the king onto the new camera and see what happens”). So here’s my Lava Lamp. The photograph in the background (from the Jim Dow courthouse series) is out of focus and the bokeh looks pretty smooth – score another win for the king. Click through the bokeh link if you don’t have any idea of what I’m talking about. Anyway, here’s the Lava Lamp:
Lava Lamp and Jim Dow
Lava Lamp and Jim Dow

On this day one year ago: remains of the blizzards.


Family and friends Work

Thursday December 15, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – There’s a lot going on in the iPhone photo world. Here for example is a site that does an iPhoto every day and reviews apps and the like: the modern iphotographer. Really useful source on apps. I’m sitting here looking at my iPhone 4G. It’s got 13 camera apps. Most cost $1.99. Or less. I’ve sorted out six post processing apps that I like or at least wish that I could master, and six photo information apps that I use when I’m shooting other cameras. This is fun, sort of productive and a real eye-opener. You’ll see a lot more of these over the next few weeks.

This one is an iPhone video still taken at a lunch meeting and processed with PhotoWizard that let me do the center focus thing and grunge it up a bit. there are lots and lots of photo grunge apps. Evidently everyone wants to be a hipster. I can move my visual self to Bushwick without actually having to move there. Cool.


On this day one year ago: Waldorf Astoria.

Home of the famous salad


Wednesday November 30, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Well here I am working with the iPhone again. I really like this thing as a camera. This is taken in our office and surprisingly the iPhone handles the color of the chairs (called “paprika” by the decorator) and the mixed lighting.
At the office
At the office

On this day last year: má pêche.

má pêche
má pêche

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