Icon Landscape

Friday November 11, 2016

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent a couple of hours today torture testing lenses,shooting out our dining room window, which is the ultimate brick wall test. Later, the Empire State Building from the James Beard Foundation Gala at the Rainbow Room.

Day 2584 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

From the Rainbow Room
From the Rainbow Room

On this day last year (day 2218): Madison Avenue on Veterans Day.

Day 2218 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Madison Avenue

Landscape Urban

Tuesday July 21, 2015

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A good day today – I got around a good bit of Manhattan: starting near the Empire State Building; moving on to Chelsea; then to Columnbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in Washington Heights.

Day 2105 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Empire State Building
Empire State Building
Medical Center
Medical Center

On this day last year (day 1740): London Near Holland Park.

Not Georgian
Not Georgian

Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday February 24, 2015

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Two views of the Empire State Building taken with my Leica Monochrom and 24mm f1.4 Summilux lens, my walk-around kit.

Day 1,958 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Empire State
Empire State
Empire State
Empire State

On this day five years ago (day 132): Times Square. Pretty thin pickings as I went back over five years of images from February 24. It must be winter fatigue.

Times Square
Times Square

Icon Landscape Urban

Monday November 10, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Familiar ground today: the Empire State Building. I’ve been following it for years as one of the icons that I fuss with. Of course the challenge is adding anything to the state of the art and mankind’s understand given that there are thousands of iPhone photos taken of it every day (some of them very good).

Day 1,852 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Empire State
Empire State

On this day two years ago (day 1,122): Hay bails. Hay bails were rectangular back when I was a kid. They now have the proportions of soup cans. The march of technology.

Luke Tanner's Hay
Luke Tanner’s Hay

Landscape Urban

Tuesday January 28, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We saw an apartment in Chelsea this morning that Francesca is interested in. Then I walked to the office. My Fitbit objective is 14,000 steps a day which I can achieve if I walk, rather than take a taxi or subway. Walking also provides photo opportunities. So here we are with the Empire State Building and Citicorp Center reflected in the Lipstick Building. Both caught in good light with my Leica Monochrom and 75mm Asph. Summicron. Several frames (many frames in the case of the Lipstick Building) stitched.

Day 1,566 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.

Empire State
Empire State
Citicorp reflection
Citicorp reflection

On this day last year: Mustique. From Firefly.

From firefly

Landscape Urban

Friday April 27, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another gray unappealing day. Where do these thing come from? I really take better pictures in nice light. Anyway, I shot in the 23rd Street area for a bit today and came up with this, shooting with my Sony NEX-7 and Leica 24mm Summilux. In editing images today i started an experiment with the “soft proofing” feature in Lightroom, new to the relatively recent version 4.0. It predicts what your picture will look like in print or on the web, overcoming a slight bias toward printing too task and flat if you don’t soft proof.
Empire State
Empire State
Empire State
Empire State

On this day one year ago: a pretty neat shot.

J McLaughlin
J McLaughlin

Icon Landscape Urban

Monday June 27, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – So I took the subway downtown to return the IQ 180 to Digital Transitions. They are on 35th just off of Fifth Avenue so this gave me a chance stalk one my favorite icons, the Empire State Building, in very interesting light with my Leica M9 and a 90mm lens. Three frames stitched.
Empire State Building
Empire State Building

On Fifth Avenue:

Fifth Avenue and 33rd Street
Fifth Avenue and 33rd Street

On this day last year: Festival

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