Landscape Urban

Thursday August 1, 2019

MANHATTAN – Walking about New York today with my Sony A7riii. This is three frames stitched.

Day 3577 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day
Fifth Avenue

On this date four years ago (day 2116 of one photo every day): Brooklyn

From the Crab Shack
From the Crab Shack

Landscape Urban

Monday February 25, 2019

MANHATTAN – I’ve been experimenting for the last few days with simplifying my equipment. I’m carrying my Sony a7riii with one lens, the Sony GM 24-70 f2.8 zoom.

I generally don’t like zooms, they suffer from image quality issues relative to prime lenses, and they tend to be bulky. This lens is indeed bulky but it’s easier to manage than three primes and it covers the focal lengths that I use on a daily basis. Also if I want tighter than 70mm the camera’s 42 meg sensor facilitate cropping in a pinch, and for wider than 24 I can stitch frames (which I do all the time).

It turns out that this lens performs well corner to corner by f4.0 at focal lengths 35-70mm and at 50 to 70mm is actually fine wide open (“fine” is high praise from me). It’s very good corner to corner at 28mm but much less so at 24mm, so a decent strategy is to limit wides to 35mm and stitch. I’ve been torturing it with back lit situations and shooting bokeh oriented images – it’s actually excellent to my eyes in both respects. So I’ll keep going with it for a while to further understand its quirks in actual use. The images below are both at 24mm.

Day 3420 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Fifth Avenue
Knickerbocker Club

On this date nine years ago (day 133 of one photo every day): Times Square at night.

Times Square

Landscape Street Urban

Thursday July 26, 2018

MANHATTAN – My hat inventory needs some help – I loose hats and summer Panama’s get tatty after a few years of use. So . . . I went to JJ Hat Center on lower Fifth Avenue to stock up. Since I don’t do selfies you’ll have to guess at what i bought.

Day 3206 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date three years ago (day 2110): Sixth Avenue

Sixth Avenue
Sixth Avenue

Architecture Landscape Urban

Sunday April 8, 2018

MANNHATTAN – Back here early to set up my new computer in my newly-renovated home office. Ready to rock and roll again. I actually got some ok images today (a departure from the slump that I’ve been in for the last week) including the image below of the house on Fifth Avenue that used to be the Audubon Society, became the ICP, and is now a hedge fund manager’s private home.

Day 3097 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this date five years ago (day 1271): The Old Patent Office


Landscape Urban

Wednesday November 8, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Lovely fall light for a walk on Fifth Avenue and back uptown home, passing an alley.

Day 2,946 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day four years ago (day 1,485): Basil takes a break – actually a monumental vase from Spin ceramics

Goof light day
Goof light day

Architecture Landscape Urban

Monday April 3, 2017

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I had an extremely productive day with my Leica Monochrom and a 10mm Voigtlander lens. 10mm is as wide as it gets. I mean it’s really wide. It basically takes in everything that you see. It’s rectilinear (ass opposed to a fish-eye) which means that straight lines appear straight, but the size and shape of objects near the edge of the frame are distorted. It’s a handful to handle because it has to be absolutely level and orthogonal – otherwise the wide angle distortion produces weird images.

Day 2,727 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Really wide
Really wide
Really wide
Really wide
Really wide
Really wide

On this day three years ago (day 1,631): Park Avenue

Racquet Club
Racquet Club

Culture Landscape Urban

Thursday April 21, 2016

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I showed up at 30 Rock today to take a look at the Van Gogh’s Ear installation, a swimming pool tipped up on end. Cool but poor light so I went home with only a poor image. I caught some reflected light on Park Avenue on my way home.

Day 2380 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2380 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Van Gogh’s Ear
Day 2380 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
World Headquarters

On this day two years ago (day 1649): Reservoir

Day 1649 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life
Central Park Reservoir

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