Garden Still Life

Sunday June 12, 2016

WARNET CONNECTICUT – Good light on peonies, which are in glorious profusion this week.

Day 2432 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2432 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Nice light on peonies

On this day two years ago (day 1702): Vintage Ferrari on Park Avenue


Interior Landscape

Friday January 22, 2016

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Another blah day but less so. I’ve done similar images around this time of year in the past because of the angle that sunlight makes in this room.

Day 2290 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day two years ago (day 1560): Second hand furniture

Second hand furniture store
Second hand furniture store


Sunday July 13, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – This is the final day of my one week forced march with my now less-new 15mm Zeiss lens. Today I’m exploring the lens’s “bokeh”, the character of the out of focus portions of images. This is actually fairly difficult since with a 15mm lens not much is out of focus. So I got really close to some flowers (8 inches or so) and took advantage of the cloudy day to shoot wide open at f/2.8, with a bunch of stuff in the background. The answer: this lens has lovely, creamy Leica-style bokeh (typical of lenses from the Walter Mandler era) with gentle focus to out of focus transitions. Very nice if you can find a situation to use it.

Day 1,732 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Villa Nonni
Villa Nonni

On this day four years ago (day 271): Bus station, Beantown.

Bus Station, Boston
Bus Station, Boston

Culture Interior Landscape

Friday March 28, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We spent today pulling ourselves together for a trip to Amersterdam where a number of friends are getting together to celebrate their birthdays (including mine) which all fall around now. Here’s a picture of a Chinese vase in our apartment.

This is day 1,625 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Chinese Vase
Chinese Vase

On this day one year ago (day 1,232): Dinner party for an old friend who was departing from New York for London.


Landscape Urban

Thursday November 7, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Busy day of meeting. I need a compact camera kit so I’ve strapped my 35mm Summicron v.IV onto my Leica Monochrom. This lens is called the “Bokeh king” because of its attractive out of focus images. Here you go with some roses in the garden in front of St Barts on Park Avenue. By the way I’ve gotten a day or two behind my usual schedule for posting because of a quirky internet connection here. I’m working on it. By the way in editing this post I decided to toss in a few more images from around St. Barts (the church, not the island) – what the hell, let’s live it up.
Urban rose
Urban rose
St Barts
St Barts

St Barts
St Barts[/caption

On this day last year: Blizzard. A reminder that things can get nasty around here this time of year. When I searched this site for “Blizzard” I found more than a dozen images.

[caption id="attachment_9726" align="alignnone" width="450"]Blizzard Blizzard

Still Life

Tuesday October 15, 2013

SCHLOSS ELMAU GERMANY – Today was one of those better days. I switched equipment to shake myself out of yesterday’s doldrums. I gave color a try in the morning shooting with my Leica M and the lovely 24mm Summilux lens. Some of my best color for a while.
Flowers 1
Flowers 1
Flowers 2
Flowers 2
Schloss Elmau
Schloss Elmau

On this day last year: Hide the phones.

They hide the pay phones
They hide the pay phones


Friday June 21, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I’ve made good this one time on my promise to myself to get up to Connecticut on Thursday evening. More experimentation with my 28mm PC lens on my Leica M, this time with some wildflowers.

On this day last year: Scuol Switzerland.


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