Events and holidays Family and friends Food and wine

Wednesday November 10, 2010

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NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Another heavy day of meetings. We ended the day at the James Beard Foundation’s annual gala at the Four Seasons restaurant (my life seems to be centered around the Seagrams Building), I chair the board of the foundation – here’s a link: James Beard Foundation. I had planned on getting my photo of the day at the gala and came equipped with my Nikon D700 and a fast lens. But as I tried to take my first image I had a major “oh shit” moment: I had left the camera’s compact flash card home in my computer. This is a first for me. I always turn the camera on when I pick it up to leave home to check the battery and settings, and take a picture to make sure that everything works. Lesson re-learned.

So what to do? David Young was kind enough to lend me his iPhone. The iPhone is the Holga of this generation. There’s a bit of a learning curve to get a plausible image out of these things – I’m a long way from mastery. I took a couple of dozen images, one of which (ironically of David Young) seems ok to me. So here’s David on David’s iPhone:

David Young
November 10, 2010

On this day one year ago: Out my office window The subject matter suggests (accurately) that I was struggling to keep up with the photo-a-day pace in November of last year – November really is a rough month for me.

Out my window

Events and holidays Family and friends

Monday May 24, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – The Film Society of Lincoln Center held its gala last night at the new Alice Tully Hall, honoring Michael Douglas.
Film Society

Nikon D700 with 50mm f1.4G.

Events and holidays Family and friends

Tuesday April 27, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Maria Campbell and William Cohan (author of House of Cards and The Last Tycoon) at the Pen American Center gala at the Museum of Natural History. Here’s a link to Pen American Center.

Maria Campbell and William Cohan

Events and holidays Portrait

Wednesday April 21, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services held it’s annual spring gala at Gustavinos tonight. The JBFCS is a wildly impressive organization providing social services in New York to clients of all religions, races and ethnic backgrounds.  Gustavinos is a lovely space built into the vaults under the approaches to the 59th Street Bridge.

Benefit at Gustavinos

Culture Events and holidays

Monday November 9, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Annual gala for Words Without Boarders at the Czech consulate.

Words Without Borders
Words Without Borders

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