Landscape Travel

Monday August 1, 2011

LAMU, KENYA – The curse of a travel day. Our itinerary is bush plane to Niarobi. Rejoin our stored baggage, have lunch and dinner and catch up with some friends, fly overnight to Amsterdam and thence to New York. Before leaving a managed a walk on the beach at sunrise with my Alpa TC and Phase One IQ 180 back to capture this panorama, which I’ve also adapted to be the new header on my blog.
Sunrise at Lamu
Sunrise at Lamu

On this day one year ago: Sao Paulo.

Ceasers Business Hotel

-Woody's Picks Landscape Travel

Sunday July 31, 2011

LAMU KENYA – We took a long walk in Lamu today, ending up at Anidan orphanage on the edge of the town. Anidan defied our expectations. It’s full of happy kids of all ages, 240 of them. It draws its population from the entire region. Children are orphans or abandoned or badly abused. It was started by a wealthy Spanish family that has a house in Lamu Interestingly the house is operated as a hotel, Red Pepper House, when the family is not in residence. Red Pepper House is our first choice for hotels in Lamu.

I took the Alpa with me on the walk. It’s poorly suited to photographing children – it works best on landscape and architecture – so I didn’t get any pictures of the kids that I’m proud of.

Lamu seaside
Lamu seaside
Lamu seaside
Lamu seaside
Anidan Orphanage
Anidan Orphanage

On this day one year ago: Maria Campbell.

Maria Campbell
Maia Campbell

Culture Landscape Travel

Saturday July 30, 2011

LAMU, KENYA – Another productive day with my Alpa TC and Phase One IQ 180 in Lamu. And another day of poor self-control editing. So I’m giving you five images out of many possible candidates from a walk on the beach, a walk around Lamu and a ride to lunch on a dhow.
Nancy in Lamu
Nancy in Lamu
Sunrise Lamu
Sunrise Lamu

On this day one year ago: “She who must be obeyed”.

124 East 55th Street - DLT Entertainment


Friday July 29, 2011

LAMU, KENYA – We arrived yesterday in Lamu, a lovely old Swahili trading center. The town is located on Lamu Island in Kenya on the Indian Ocean. There are no roads or cars. Donkeys and dhows are the primary means of transportation. It’s a visually remarkable area – I was completely at home with my Alpa TC and 35mm Schneider.

Here’s an image of some of my legal homeys.

Lamu Judiciary
Lamu Judiciary
Stonetown Academy
Stonetown Academy
Maria finds a shopping opportunity
Maria finds a shopping opportunity
Amani Hand Craft
Amani Hand Craft

On this day one year ago:


Landscape Travel

Thursday July 28, 2011

LEMARTI’S CAMP, KENYA – So we’re packing up to leave Lemarti’s Camp so I thought that I should give you a few images of it. Here are images of our “bathroom” and of the massive fig tree the anchors the site of the camp.
Our bathroom
Our bathroom
Lemarti's tree
Lemarti's tree

A wall at the airstrip for our flight to Nairobi, and thence to Lamu.

Elaborate wall
Elaborate wall

On this day one year ago: Hell’s Kitchen.

Hell's Kitchen and Midtown skyline


Wednesday July 27, 2011

LEMARTI’S CAMP, KENYA – We took a bush walk this morning through the gently rolling foothills that surround the camp. This is semi-arid territory. It reminds me a lot of parts of my native Utah, substituting acacia for cedar. I took my Alpa TC with the 35mm Schneider on with me. Only ok light – nothing terrific today.

On this day last year: the Metropolitan Club.

The Metropolitan Club
The Metropolitan Club

Culture Landscape Portrait Travel

Tuesday July 26, 2011

NORTHERN KENYA – We made a long drive to a Maasai market. This is a one day only affair that appears periodically at various sites. The main trade is people bringing goats to sell and buying clothing, vegetables, household items and so on. According to Lemarti full-grown goat fetches $120 or so, which is a lot of money in these parts.

I’m going to trouble you with eight images today. Editing has been really difficult. I could probably do better if I had more time. At least the images aren’t of airport lounges.

First, four images taken in a small settlement that we drove through to get to the market – images that fit into my “small towns” body of work. All taken with my Alpa TC, Phase One IQ 180 back and Schneider 35mm Digitar.

Lparle 2004
Lparle 2004
Lion Tears
Lion Tears
Sunrise Butchery and Hotel
Sunrise Butchery and Hotel
Video Show Room
Video Show Room

Now four more taken with my Panasonic GH2 at the Maasai market:

Maasai woman
Maasai woman
Maasai market day
Maasai market day
Woman in shoe shop
Woman in shoe shop

On this day one year ago: 1185 Park Avenue.

1185 Park Avenue

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