Landscape Minatures

Tuesday October 14, 2014

SKYLINE DRIVE VIRGINIA – Our tourism schedule called for the Skyline Drive today – on of the great scenic routes in the country, located in the Shenandoah Mountains here in Western Virginia. There was just one unanticipated problem. Fog. Dense, can’t see the road in front of the car fog. The images are actually the best of our trip.
Skyline Drive I
Skyline Drive I
Skyline Drive II
Skyline Drive II
Skyline Drive III
Skyline Drive III

Back home:

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Back Home

Day 1,825 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

On this day two years ago: Red Rooster Drive-In.

Red Rooster Drive In
Red Rooster Drive In


Tuesday May 28, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A picture of a Leica taken with an iPhone.

On this day last year: New Milford 9/11 Memorial.

Memorial Day New Milford
Memorial Day New Milford

Landscape Urban

Thursday February 7, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – All day meetings interfered with photography but we had a chance to hang around Broadway for a few minutes on our way to dinner. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 35mm Summilux lens. Three frames stitched.

On this day last year: Subway.


Garden Landscape

Saturday February 2, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Bird feeder. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 1930s era Carl Zeiss Jena 5cm f1.5 Sonnar lens. Note the scratchy quality of the out of focus portions of the image.

Bird feeder

On this day one year ago: Radio City at night.

Radio City
Radio City

Food and wine Landscape

Sunday October 14, 2012

BREWSTER NEW YORK AND WARREN CONNECTICUT – Another day of shooting fall foliage with my Monochrom. This time with a 35mm Simmulux FLE lens. I focused on relative close ups to find some textures that the black and white camera could get some traction on. On the way back to New York this afternoon we stopped at the Red Rooster Drive-In in Brewster. Not many of these left. There’s a nice outdoor eating area; we overheard the conversion of some seniors at the next table: “Now isn’t this better than Macdonalds?” Yup.
Red Rooster Drive In
Red Rooster Drive In

On this day last year: Francesca’s friend.

Francesca Barra has a friend
Francesca Barra has a friend

Landscape Urban

Friday October 12, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – On the street (in this case Lexington Avenue in the 80s) with the Monochrom and a 1958 Dual Range Summicron lens.
Lexington Avenue
Lexington Avenue

On this day last year: Hearst Building.

Hearst Building
Hearst Building

Family and friends Landscape Street Travel

Saturday September 29, 2012

PAGET BERMUDA – We’re staying at the Coral Beach Club, which we were given an introduction to by a friend’s aunt way back when we were first married. We’re actually here with our children to celebrate our anniversary (today) and Maria’s birthday (yesterday). Still chugging along with my Monochrom. The weather was cloudy today – remember what I said about the reliability of the weather in Bermuda? Anyway, some images, first of the church of the oldest Protestant congregation in the Western Hemisphere:
The oldest church
The oldest church

An interior of the same church (done with the Monochrom and my 18mm Super Elmar):

Oldest church interior
Oldest church interior

The barista gets athletic:

The athletic barista
The athletic barista

On this day last year: Food.

Chicken Eggplant Swiss Chard
Chicken Eggplant Swiss Chard

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