Landscape Urban

Friday February 15, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – This morning I found myself on 11th Avenue with my Leica S medium format camera and a 35mm lens. I’ve been shooting this thing on and off for two weeks without changing the battery – it’s a real camel in terms of battery life. Here’s a reflection, three frames stitched in Photoshop.
Power House
Power House

On this day one year ago: Lever House.

Lever House
Lever House


Saturday February 9, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Well the blizzard really did arrive: two feet of snow and major winds. Remarkably we haven’t suffered any damage or power outage. By the afternoon it cleared (but still high winds) so Maria and I took the opportunity to snow shoe. All images taken with my Leica S medium format camera and a 35mm lens.





On this day last year: Lexington Avenue

Lexington Avenue
Lexington Avenue


Friday February 8, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We drove up here last night ahead of a predicted blizzard, hoping to get snowed in for the weekend. On the first day of the storm high winds, light snow and dull light. Blah. Not much going on. And it’s cold. Taken with my medium format Leica S camera and 35mm lens.

On this day last year: Steve.

Steve Rubin
Steve Rubin


Tuesday January 29, 2013

MUSTIQUE ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES – Our friend Basil Charles (owner of Basil’s Bar) had a picnic on the beach for us. Here’s Basil taken with my Leica S medium format camera.
Basil Charles OBE
Basil Charles OBE

On this day last year: R T Facts, a place near us in Connecticut that specializes in Architectural artifacts.

RT Facts
RT Facts

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