
Monday December 1, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – You don’t realize who big store signs are until you see one one the sidewalk. Here is “Perfect Brows”. I plan on returning to it tomorrow to see what it looks like stuck up on the storefront.

Day 1,873 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.


On this day last year (day 1,508): Baby V.

Baby V
Baby V

Landscape Out my window Urban

Wednesday October 15, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’ve been living with my new website look for a few days now. I like the way it runs on tablets and smartphones. I’m less enamored with the three column look that it presents on a computer. I’ll go back to the drawing board on this over the weekend.

Today I experimented with my Leica T (which has good live view and adapts well to Leica manual focus lenses). Today I shot out our window with a Leica R 280mm f4.0, a long lens that has remarkable charisma. Here you go.

Day 1,826 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Urban Autumn
Urban Autumn

Here’s the context of the above image.


On this day one year ago: Schloss Elmau

Flowers 2
Flowers 2

Landscape Urban

Thursday September 25, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A rainy day. A spent a bit of time holding my camera at ankle height to take advantage of the reflection off of the pavement. This came out surprisingly well.

Day 1,806 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.


On this day three years ago (day 710): Angevine’s chicken coop.

Chicken coop
Chicken coop

Landscape Urban

Monday September 8, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’ve been experimenting with longer lenses recently (basically working my way through my inventory of less-used lenses), shooting a 90mm elmarit today and shooting multiple images and stitching when I want to shoot wide, which is often. The large stitches produce very detailed, lovely files.

Day 1,789 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

This one is nine frames.

Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church
Paley Park
Paley Park
Apple Store
Apple Store

On this day two years ago (day 1,059): Toss it to me!

Toss the damn thing!
Toss the damn thing!


Wednesday September 3, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More super wide. I’m cycling through my very wide lenses confirming to myself that I’ve still got my wide angle mojo. Today it was the Leica 21mm Super-Elmar, a super lens.

Day 1,784 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Lexington Avenue
Lexington Avenue

On this day four years ago (day 323): 57th Street. An elegant angle on 57th Street, shooting infrared.

57th Street
57th Street

Landscape Urban

Thursday July 10, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More familiar territory with the ultra wide 15mm Zeiss lens on my Leica MM. This lens continues to interest me, but I am looking forward to the end of the week that I’ve committed to keep it on my camera. I reshot Citicorp this morning and 1185 Park Avenue this afternoon. The lens let me shoot all of 1185 without stitching (a reshoot of June 30, 2014). I had to point up a bit, however, to get the top of the building, which meant that I had to correct sharply converging vertical lines in Photoshop. The resulting “stretching” of the top of the image magnified the Zeiss 15’s very slight “mustache” distortion to the point where it is visible, especially in the upper right corner of the image. I really have to shoot level with this lens.

Day 1,729 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.


On this day last year (day 1,364): Venice Biennale.

Biennale 6
Biennale 6

Landscape Urban

Friday May 16, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A day of running around on business and various errands. I tried shooting out of the windows of the various cabs that I took, while they were stopped or sufficiently slowed in traffic to permit decent image quality. As always shooting with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Luxochron lens.

Day 1,674 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Upper East Side
Upper East Side

On this day last year (day 1.309): Elmhurst. Last year I was in this Taiwanese enclave in Queens.


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