Icon Landscape Monuments Religion Urban

Friday October 21, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Today we did the sacred and profane on Fifth Avenue. Starting with the sacred I stopped by Marble Collegiate Church, the oldest Protestant congregation in North America and for decades the bully pulpit for Norman Vincent Peal. The Church has a “Payers for Peace” program. The congregation offers prayer for service men and women who have died in Central Asia during the week; yellow ribbons with the names of the departed are attached to the railing around the Church. Here’s a segment of the fence with a statue of Dr. Peal in the background. Images taken with my Leica M9 and a 24mm Summilux lens.
Marble Collegiate Church
Marble Collegiate Church

Now the profane. At the 42nd Street Library I spotted the following, which I couldn’t resist:

XXX rated at the Public Library
XXX rated at the Public Library

From my self portrait series taken hourly on February 13, 1999 the image from 8:52 PM. Taken with an Arca Swiss 8×10 view camera.

Landscape Urban

Wednesday July 20. 2011

NEW YOEK, NEW YOEK – The meds are slowly taking effect. I managed to get out of bed for a walk around Bryant Park and the 42nd Street Library, fairly early in the day before the heat drove me off of the street. Here are some images with my Alpa TC and a 35mm Schneider lens and a digital back.
Public Library
Public Library

On this day one year ago: Poets’ Walk in Central Park.

Poets' Walk

Landscape Small town

Sunday January 10, 2010

MORRIS, CONNECTICUT – This is the old Town Hall of Morris Connecticut, a tiny town a few minutes drive from us.  This building now serves as the town’s Historical Society.

Morris CT Historical Society

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