
Thursday October 27, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A very wet day. I went out in the rain with my Leica and a 35mm pre-ASPH version IV Summicron lens, known as the bokeh king. (Here is Ashwin Rao’s terrific article on bokeh). “Bokeh” for you non lens nuts is the causality of the out of focus image; good bokeh is creamy with smooth transitions between in-focus and out of focus areas; bad bokeh is crunchy with abrupt transitions between in-focus and out of focus. Modern highly corrected designs tend to have poor bokeh; older designs tend to have good bokeh.
S. Feldman Housewares
S. Feldman Housewares

From 3:03 AM on February 14, 1999.

3:03 AM February 14, 1999
3:03 AM February 14, 1999

Landscape Street Urban

Tuesday October 25, 2011

NNEW YORK NEW YORK – So I’m using my Alpa and a 35mm Schneider as my walk-around camera. This only works on sunny days – I’m a sunny day kind of guy so I prefer these anyway. Here’s in image from Madison Avenue and 55th Street
Good light
Good light

Here’s the next in my series of 24 self portraits taken in 1999. This is from 12:58 AM on February 14, 1999. I slept on a cot in my studio, setting an alarm to wake my hourly for a picture. I clearly haven’t been to sleep on yet because I still look fairly well put together.

12:58 AM February 14, 1999
12:58 AM February 14, 1999

Landscape Urban

Wednesday February 10, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – The long-awaited blizzard arrived this afternoon.  The snowfall was very heavy but it was warm enough in Manhattan that it quickly turned to slush – there was not a lot of accumulation.

Madison Avenue

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