Landscape Street Urban

Monday December 19, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Feeling better. I went about my business today carrying my iPhone and collecting images. This thing is addictive. I haven’t tried very hard to edit the day down – I present this as an iPhone gallery. My reaction: “get a grip, Campbell.”

First an image that was not taken on December 19 – I’m posting this on Christmas Day so I thought I should share a Christmas greeting. The front of our house grunged up with an app called “plastic bullet”.

Have yourself a grungy Christmas
Have yourself a grungy Christmas

1185 Park with a tilt shift app that create an impression of very narrow depth of field, making everything look like toys.

1185 Park in miniature
1185 Park in miniature

A panorama stitched (defectively – there’s still a reason for these big cameras) from three frames.

1185 Park Stitch
1185 Park Stitch

More street.

Fire alarm
Fire alarm

Literally a picture of the street.


On this day last year: Chuck Klein.

Chuck Klein
Chuck Klein

Landscape Out my window Urban

Friday December 9, 2011

NEW YOEK NEW YORK – I spent some time this afternoon at Yancey Richardson looking at photographs, primarily by Andrew Moore. The experience was energizing. When I started this daily photo effort over two years ago I expected that a number of longer term projects would emerge. Looking at Andrew’s work and paging back through mine I’ve decided to push on the churches of Litchfield County project. I see a couple of phases, starting with taking an inventory of facades, making high quality prints as a means to get closer to the ministers/rectors/priests, doing more in depth studies (which I’ve only done at the Washington Congregational Church at this point), teasing out the narrative (which I have some ideas on but need further work to refine) and then more follow through studies.

But today I’m not in Litchfield County so I point my Alpa Max out our window into good light. I’m working to achieve technical mastery with this tool – it’s the key to creating the kinds of images that I’m looking for in Litchfield County. By “technical mastery” I mean that my hands do the right things without an need to think about anything but composition.

Out my window in good light
Out my window in good light

On this date one year ago: Urban landscape.

Riverside Drive South

Landscape Religion Urban

Thursday December 1, 2011

MEW YORK NEW YORK – Well here I am outside the headquarters of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. I’ve written a couple of other posts on this subject: August 24, 2011 and November 24, 2010. I’m standing here because this is the only place within blocks where any sunlight is hitting the street. I loaded a bunch of camera apps on my iPhone and went looking for a scene with a long dynamic range and some bricks to test the apps. Here’s the one taken with an app called Pro HDR, which takes two images at different exposures and combines them in a “high dynamic range” images. The HDR feature is only so-so. Without a tripod the camera moves between shots. The app compensates for movement but the image appears less sharp than a non HDR image. It does give you the two exposures, though so you have a choice of which to use – here I used the under-exposed shot.

So the iPhone camera is working well for me. We’re planning a trip to DC this weekend. I’m taking the iPhone as my only camera.

The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

On this day last year: shot with very cool wide angle lens.

Third Avenue and 54th Street
Third Avenue and 54th Street


Wednesday November 30, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Well here I am working with the iPhone again. I really like this thing as a camera. This is taken in our office and surprisingly the iPhone handles the color of the chairs (called “paprika” by the decorator) and the mixed lighting.
At the office
At the office

On this day last year: má pêche.

má pêche
má pêche

Landscape Urban

Tuesday November 29, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – It poured all day. I walked from 56th Street to 27th Street on the East Side with my Leica and a 35mm Summilux Asph. II lens. The first image is a stitch of three frames. Both are taken at f 1.4, which severely limits depth of field (in general a good thing and one of the reasons to own this lens).
Post office building
Post office building

On this day last year: Waling to the office.

Lexington Avenue
Lexington Avenue

Landscape Urban

Monday November 28, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Back at it in the office with a number of pressing projects. I often stop at Citicorp Center to see what’s going on, visually. This is a four frame stitch with my Leica M9 and a 35mm Summilux Asp. II lens, shot at f 1.4.
Citicorp Center
Citicorp Center
Warren Storm
Warren Storm

On this day one year ago: Another building in New Preston Connecticut.

Harry O Erickson Pavilion Hall, New Preston Connecticut
Harry O Erickson Pavilion Hall, New Preston Connecticut

Landscape Urban

Tuesday November 22, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – From a shopping point of view today was the run up to Thanksgiving. I spent most of the day shopping for food in anticipation of an onslaught of family and friends in Connecticut. I captured this with my Leica and a 12mm Voigtlander lens while crossing 86th Street to go to Fairway.
Double yellow line
Double yellow line

On this day one year ago: The Guggenheim Museum. One of my better takes on a local icon that I struggle with.

The Guggenheim Museum, New York
The Guggenheim Museum, New York

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