Landscape Urban

Wednesday October 19, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I explored downtown with my Leica after some meetings today. Here’s the Old Equitable Building, Thames Street, a block from the Occupy Wall Street protests. Taken with my Leica M9 and 90mm lens. Four frames stitched.
Old Equitable Building, Thames St.
Old Equitable Building, Thames St.

Here’s my self portrait from 7:03 PM on February 13, 1999:

Landscape Urban

Monday October 17, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another day on the street with my Alpa TC and 35mm Schneider lens. The Bull and Bear on Lexington Avenue in the 50s.
The Bull and Bear
The Bull and Bear

The next in a series of 24 self-portraits taken on February 13, 1999 with an Arca Swiss 8×10 view camera.

4:54 PM Local time February 13, 1999
4:54 PM Local time February 13, 1999

Landscape Urban

Monday September 26, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We took a walk today in the West 20s shooting an Alp TC and 3mm Schneider lens.
129 West 22nd Street Condominium
129 West 22nd Street Condominium
Zen Bikes
Zen Bikes

On this day last year: Early fall in Connecticut.

Terry Tanner's farmstand

Landscape Urban

Monday September 12, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A heavy day of meetings. I managed to get outside with my Leica M9 and a Voigtlander 12mm lens to catch a few images on Lexington Avenue.

On this day last year: New Milford Connecticut

Cramer and Anderson, law firm, New Milford

Landscape Urban

Friday September 9, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I took my Leica to the office today and captured Ray Bari Pizza in pretty good light. In the late afternoon I was back uptown with my Alpa, a 47mm Schneider XL lens, experimenting with a center filter on the lens. A Center filter is a glass filter that’s darker in the middle – it compensates for the natural light fall-off that wide lenses have, but requires increased exposure. I found that the necessary 2 stop increase in exposure made the Alpa much harder to hand hold so when I need the center filter I also need a tripod.
Master Tutor and Homework Coach
Master Tutor and Homework Coach
Ray Bari Pizza
Ray Bari Pizza

On this day last year: Second Avenue Subway construction.

Second Avenue Subway

Landscape Street Urban

Wednesday September 7, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More rain. Really. A lot of rain. I walked around with my Leica and a 90mm lens looking for rain themes. The Leica isn’t billed as being “weatherproof” but it does tolerate the rain, especially if you sheild it with a coat or your body when you’re not shooting. A couple of examples:

On this day last year: Andy Berkman.


Landscape Street Urban

Wednesday August 31, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another walk around day with my medium format outfit. This is the steps from the 23rd Street station on the Lexington Avenue subway, taken with my Alpa TC and 35mm Scheider XL lens.
23rd Street Station
23rd Street Station

out my window.

Water tank

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