Family and friends Landscape Urban

Thursday August 11, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I took a walk in the Union Square area with my Alpa and the 35mm Schneider. Partly cloudy, but occasional burst of fine light. this is made from two images captured, hand held, and stitched in Photoshop. Remember that I’m shooting with an 80 meg back so the resulting file is very large. Stitching with this very wide lens results in a highly distorted image, which I corrected in Photoshop – a process that involved significant hard labor.
Union Square
Union Square

In the evening Alexander and his fiance, Laura, came over for headshot for their wedding announcement in the New York Times. This is the one that the liked – taken with my Panasonic GH2 and on camera flash.

Laura and Alexander
Laura and Alexander

On this day one year ago: Elio’s.


Landscape Urban

Wednesday August 10, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I explored the UN area with my Alpa TC today. Poorish light – intermittent high clouds and a very bright sky. Some of the better ideas I had were in the deep shade in Stuyvestant Town, but the images are poor – the TC simply needs a lot of light or a tripod. Anyway this is the best thing to come out of the day:

On this day last year: Sao Paulo.

From the Emiliano

Landscape Out my window Urban

Thursday August 4, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A long day in the office. I caught this out the window in a moment of lovely light with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens.
Bloomberg Building
Bloomberg Building

On this day one year ago: Porto Seguro, Brazil. This isn’t bad for a travel day. Maybe I should just stop whining about travel days make the most of them.

Porto Seguro Airport

Landscape Out my window Urban

Wednesday August 3, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – While I was in Africa Phase One released a firmware update to the IQ 180 back that enables “live view”, the ability to view on the back’s lcd screen what the camera is seeing in real time. Live view is commonplace in consumer cameras, which use CMOS technology, but is difficult to implement in medium format cameras which use CCD technology. I downloaded the update and installed it and voila it worked. Live view is a boon to technical camera users because it permits composition on the back’s lcd monitor while using shifts. I set the back up on my Alpa Max with my 72mm Schneider Digitar and took the following out my window (with the back shifted up 15mm and to the right 17mm),
New York Rooftop
New York Rooftop

On this day last year: Trancoso at night.


Out my window

Sunday July 17, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back to New York – that was a genuinely quick trip to attend a wedding. Still a bit under the weather. Francesca noticed a quite cruddy looking rash on my legs and had nagged me to see a doctor, which I’ll do tomorrow morning.

I installed new firmware in my Hasselblad back. I did an out-my-window test, stitching two frames shifted to the left and the right on my Alpa Max, to see if the firmware cures the “centerfolding” issue that’s apparent when this back is used shifted on a technical camera. It didn’t – note the vertical line in the sky on the right side of the image:


On this day one year ago: fundraiser at the Litchfield Community Center.


Landscape Urban

Friday July 15, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I met Lance Shad of Digital Transitions and we walked over to the High Line. I captured this image on the way with my Alpa TC, Schneider 35mm xl lens and 60 meg Hasselblad back.
Chain link
Chain link

On this day on year ago: Washington Square.

Washington Square

Home Out my window

Thursday July 14, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Out my window, taken with my Panasonic GR2 and 14 – 140 zoom lens. Two exposures, one for the skyline and one for the moon. I hand tipped the correct moon exposure in Photoshop. Still feeling poorly so I’m resorting to out my window stuff to meet my one photo every day objectiive.
Moonrise over Manhattan
Moonrise over Manhattan

On this day one year ago: Boston public art.


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