Landscape Urban

Tuesday May 7, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I went to B&H to return the lens that I shot but didn’t like yesterday. and then walked from 34th street down to a dinner in Tribeca. Kind of semi-clear light that didn’t spark my imagination – remember that most of the stuff on the blog is urban landscape, but still landscape so it’s highly dependent on interesting light that doesn’t necessarily show up on my daily shooting schedule. Another effing church, the Church of the Holy Apostles in Chelsea. Shot with my Leica Monochrom camera and a 24mm Summilux lens.
Another Church
Another Church

On this day last year: Citscape through my Noctilux. World Trade Center II.



Thursday May 2, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – This really was a New York New York day. After morning in the office I decided to treat myself so I took the subway to Brooklyn Heights, walked around a bit, ended up in Brooklyn Bridge Park, caught a water taxi, ended up at 46th street and the Hudson River via the Statue of Liberty, walked up the extended Riverside Park to the 79th Street boat basin, and took a taxi home. All in about four hours. I love this place. Both images with my Leica S2 medium format camera and 24mm lens.
Riverside Park
Riverside Park
Riverside Park
Riverside Park

On this day last year: Jeans. Whatever. No one’s perfect.


Landscape Urban

Tuesday April 30, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear me, Happy Birthday to me.

With that out of the way we can move on to pictures. I spent the day walking around New York in lovely spring light. What better birthday present could one ask for.

All images with my Leica Monochrom and 24mm Summilux lens. The first is from the “No Limits” installation by Alexandre Arrechea on the Park Avenue islands.

Wiggly building
Wiggly building
Central Park
Central Park
Light on the street
Light on the street

On this day last year: The Ranble in Central Park. Oddly, last year on my birthday I did roughly the same think that I did this year.

The Ramble Central Park
The Ramble Central Park

Landscape Urban

Thursday April 25, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – This was a day of eccentric behavior. I shot color. That’s right. Color. You don’t see much of that around here for good reason. I grew up shooting black and white film. Processing it myself. Printing in a darkroom. So I tend to see in Black and White. The camera I currently use most, the Leica Monochrom, only shoots in black and white so it encourages this behavior. But today I took out my Leica M which like almost all digital cameras sees in color so if I want black and white I have to convert the files in Lightroom or Photoshop. But this was a colorful day so I decided to leave the images in color. Here we go, taken with my Leica M and a Leica 24mm Summilux lens. The lens is wearing sunglasses, a .9 neutral density filter. This lets me shoot at f1.4 in daylight leading to very thin depth of field. Wide open this lens has a slightly edgy “bokeh” (the character of the out of focus portions of the image), a common trait of highly corrected modern lenses.
April Madness
April Madness
What on earth . . .
What on earth . . .
Does anyone know what this is?
Does anyone know what this is?

On this day last year: Racquet and Tennis Club.

Rafael Barrios
Rafael Barrios

Landscape Urban

Friday April 19, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another day of meetings. I caught this detail of the outside of Grand Central Terminal with my Leica M and 35mm bokeh king lens.
Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Terminal

On this day one year ago: Gallery


Landscape Out my window Urban

Thursday April 18, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – April is intense. We have an expectation on Spring that seems to be a bit frustrated this year and a heavy schedule of meetings in my legal life. I sneaked this image out our dining room window – a different take on a familiar scene. Leica M with 35mm bokeh king lens.


On this day last year: Sunset out my window.

Sunset out my window
Sunset out my window


Wednesday April 17, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK = It’s Alexander’s birthday. I didn’t get anything that I really liked at his celebration at Blue Smoke, but walking downtown to join him there (from the Apple store on 5th Avenue where I took a computer in for some warranty work) I caught this. The building is Tiffany, which appears to have developed a tattoo.
Tiffany gets a tat

On this day last year: Yankees. Yankee stadium. That’s back when the Yankees were healthy. It’s sad to see how far they’ve declined in one year.

Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium

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