NEW YORK NEW YORK. I love shooting Manhattan at night. My Leica Monochrom and a fast 24mm Summilux f1.4 lens let me produce very interesting night images working without a tripod. I spend a lot of time shooting straight up.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Back here. Home. Dullish day. I made some images by shooting straight up with my Leica Monochrom and a super lens: the current 21mm Super Elmar.
Back in NY
NEW YORK NEW YORK – More urban landscape (here from the West end of 14th Street) with my Leica S, but less stylized than yesterday and thus less successful. This is three frames stitched in Photoshop.
14th Street
NEW YOR NEW YORK – As I may have mentioned before I’m in the process of getting my sea legs with a new camera, a Leica S medium format camera. This is always lengthy process. It obviously requires familiarity with the controls, but also an understanding of the camera’s capabilities and how to get the most out of it. This requires months of intense usage. Some of my early images have been uninteresting but I’m starting to hit my stride working back over some familiar territory. Today it was skyscrapers in dramatic light, something that I’ve done a lot of given my inclination toward landscape and my residence in Manhattan.
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