NEW YORK NEW YORK – As you have seen if you’ve been following these pages my 50mm Dual Range Summicron has become my best friend – it mates wonderfully with the MM. It’s the iconic Walter Mandler design that defined the Leica look for a generation. Surprisingly more than 50 years later it stands up to the demands of digital resolution. So I asked myself which 35mm lens is most like the 50mm DR Summicron? I spent a bit of time with Irwin Puts’ Leica Compendium, an essential tool for anyone who fancies him/herself a Leica nut. The long-running 35mm Summicron Asph has very similar MTF curves and narrative but based on personal experience supresses flair better than the DR. I’ve owned this lens but sold it when I got my first 35mm Lux. So . . . I found a nice looking sample on ebay and bought it. First sample below, which is a flair and contrast torture test.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – I took a walk up Sixth Avenue today and found that not much was happening for me visually until I got to Bryant Park, where I hit a reflections jackpot. The light is usually interesting here, particularly if there is sunlight to play off of the Bank America building. This extends a theme that I’ve spent a lot of time on in this space – it’s interesting work (to my eyes) after a few days of dullish posts. Taken with my Leica Monchrom and 24mm Summilux lens.
On this day one year ago: Citigroup.Citicorp Center
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Tonight is the annual James Beard Foundation Gala. Nice evening at the Four Seasons Restaurant. Since I’m no longer Chairman I have the freedom the just enjoy the event. An interesting table – my photo opportunities for the evening came in the kitchen and at our table. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Noctilux lens.
Kitchen at the Four Seasons RestaurantJames Beard GalaJames Beard GalaJames Beard Gala
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Walking through the reception area in our offices I spotted a lovely composition made by the sun and shadows on a piece of art and furniture. I ran for my camera, took a couple of shots studying the composition and called it my image for the day. One of the better images recently, so I guess it is possible to get into the moment when I’m busy if there is actually something to see. When I uploaded the images to process them I was surprised to find that a random exposure that I took in the morning just to see if the camera was working was actually kind of interesting. This is in the category of “purse art” – images taken at random the way a mobile phone sometimes dials from a purse – that I have explored before. Both images with my 1958 dual range summicron (a completely charming lens) and my Leica Monochrom.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Like this time last year I’m crazy busy. Very hard to get into the moment from a visual standpoint. Hard to hang out waiting for the light to be just right. So I grabbed a shot of a building on my way to the subway. It’s actually two frames stitched – I use the ability to hand hold and stitch as a “zoom” to shoot wider than the lens on the camera, in this case a 1958 dual range summicron on my Leica Monochrom.
Not so interesting
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another walk around with my Leica Monochrom and 35mm Summilux lens. The crisp, early winter light today invites exploring the cityscape in high key. Here’s and example:
59th Street
On this day last year: Bryan Hund. A piece of art that looks like a cobra made out of crumpled up aluminum foil.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Walking cross town on a dreary morning the reflected sky on a glass enclosure caught my eye. I fussed around with my position and camera angle and came up with this, my only shot for the day. Leica Monochrome and 35mm Summilux FLE lens.