Landscape Urban

Wednesday August 1, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Here’s one of the many construction sites for the 2nd Avenue Subway rendered with my Leica M9 and 35mm Summilux lens.
2nd Avenue subway construction
2nd Avenue subway construction

On this day one year ago: Sunrise in Lamu.

Sunrise at Lamu
Sunrise at Lamu

Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday July 31, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More of Niki de Saint Phalle’s work on the Park Avenue divider betwen the Seagrams Building and the Racquet and Tennis Club. See my post of: July 26, 2012. Taken with my Leica M9 and 18mm Elmar lens. Later in the evening we trekked out to Brooklyn for dinner at Peter Lugar, the Chartres Cathedral of steak. Images taken with my Fuji X-Pro1 and 35mm lens.
Niki de Saint Phalle
Niki de Saint Phalle
At Peter Lugar
At Peter Lugar
Desert is Finished
Desert is Finished

On this day last year: A tree grows in Lamu.

Anidan Orphanage
Anidan Orphanage

Landscape Urban

Friday July 27, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A day of errands took me to Park Avenue in the 50s. The begonias on the Park Avenue islands are a nice innovation. Taken with my Fuji X-Pro1 and a 35mm Fuji lens.

On this day one year ago: bush walk.


Street Urban

Friday July 20, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Fotocare had a sample Leica Monochrom so I borrowed it for an hour to give it a spin. Very interesting camera. It’s a Leica M9 with a grayscale only sensor. The absence of a Bayer filter in front of the lens roughly doubles resolution. It forces thinking and seeing as if one is shooting black and white film. I’ve ordered one. Here are some results from my walk with it.
Pizza Man
Pizza Man

One more film shot from Milan:

One final Milan
One final Milan

On this day last year: Public Library.

Public Library
Public Library

Landscape Religion Urban

Thursday July 12, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I took a walk today from the Flatiron Building to my office, with my Leica M9 and 18mm lens in hand. Some images came out well. Some not. Why should this day be any different than any other? I’m always moved by the display of ribbons on the fence at Marble Collegiate Church. They signify prayers that the congregation has dedicated to dead American service men and women in Central Asia. By the way, I’m converting a lot of images to black and white – this is the run up to the Leica Monochrom (sic), which I have on order. Here you go:
Marble Collegiate Church
Marble Collegiate Church
Marble Collegiate Church
Marble Collegiate Church

On this day last year: Native Roses.

The Big Dig gains some native roses
The Big Dig gains some native roses

Landscape Urban

Wednesday June 20, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – The alley behind our building taken with my Fuji x-Pro 1 and Fujinon 18mm f2.0 lens. I’m a bit distracted preparing for out trip to Switzerland.
Out back
Out back

Here we are. on the way, taken with my iPhone.


On this day one year ago: Steve.


Landscape Urban

Monday June 18, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – On the prowl with my Alpa TC and 47mm Schneider lens. Here’s a look at the Apex Trade School – a building that doesn’t seem to have gotten the e-mail about this neighborhood’s transformation. I’m guessing that this food cart is where the students get lunch.
Apex Student Cafeteria
Apex Student Cafeteria

On this day one year ago: Wandering Moose Cafe.

Wandering Moose Cafe
Wandering Moose Cafe

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