Family and friends Landscape Urban

Sunday June 17, 2012

BEDFORD NEW YORK – We drove up here for a lunch of rabbit, polenta and designer carrots, and some terrific wines. Taken with my Sony Nex-7 and 24mm Leica Summilux lens.

On the say home we passed an abandoned bus garage as the evening magic hour light started to emerge. I’ve learned to stop and shoot whatever is at hand when there is good light. Taken with the same camera and lens, two frames stitched.

Bus garage
Bus garage

On this day last year:Nine Main, New Preston.

9 Main, New Preston Connecticut
9 Main, New Preston Connecticut

Home Interior

Wednesday June 6, 2012

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This is an interesting time of year light wise. Sunrises and sunsets are much further North than you expect – on Manhattan this means that the sun appears to rise to the North because Manhattan is actually “tilted” 29 degrees to the East. The consequences: sunrises happen where you don’t expect them and sunlight illuminates interior scenes in unexpected ways. I’ll be exploring this phenomenon over the next couple of days. Anyway here’s sunlight in a place in our bedroom where I hadn’t seen it before, shot with my Sony NEX-7 and a 35mm Summilux lens.

On this day one year ago: Look up! A nice angle on the Chrysler Building taken with medium format.

Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building

Landscape Urban

Friday June 1, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Have I told you about my other passion? You guessed “food”, right? We’re having house guests this weekend in Connecticut so I planned menus and did food shopping today. I’m a poor multi-tasker so today’s photograph is pretty undistinguished, derivative of myself, an egg crate building shot an an angle. Taken with my Fuji X Pro 1.

On this day last year: Sam Flax.

Walk around in New York
Walk around in New York


Thursday May 31, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A pedestrian day. Pedestrian in the sense that I walked a lot, not that it was commonplace. I walked from Grand Central to the ICP; attended my landscape class (in the printing lab so it was just ok); walked to Paragon to stock up for our forthcoming trip to Switzerland; had lunch at ABC Carpet. Altogether and excellent day. Here’s a chrome man statue that showed up in front of Paragon, taken with my Leica and a 35mm Summilux lens.
Silver Man
Silver Man

On this day last year: Father’s day.

Fathers Day
Fathers Day

Landscape Urban

Tuesday May 22, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More interesting public art. There’s a new installation of a work by Dan Colen called “A Crack in the Clouds” in front of the Seagrams Building. It’s a bunch of Harleys that looked like they’ve been knocked over in parking lot. I spent an hour exploring them this afternoon. Here’s a sample, taken with my Leica M9 and the Nocti.

On this day last year: Rocks and ferns.

Ferns Warren
Ferns Warren

Home Landscape Urban

Friday May 11, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Out my window.
Water tank
Water tank

On this day one year ago: Princeton.


Landscape Urban

Thursday May 10, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I took a break from my landscape class and took this on the plaza outside of the ICP’s educational center with my Leica M9 and Noctilux. Two frames stitched.

On this day one year ago: Shy pedestrian.

Hmm . . . someone has something to hide
Hmm . . . someone has something to hide

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