Family and friends Portrait

Sunday December 4, 2011

ACELA BETWEEN WASHINGTON DC AND NEW YORK – We took the Acela back to New York early this PM in time to get ready for the New York premier of “Warhorse” (the movie version) tonight. I caught Maria on the Acela with my iPhone.

On this day one year ago: Washington Congregational Church

Washington Congregational Church

Events and holidays Family and friends Portrait

Wednesday September 28, 2011

BROOKLYN NEW YORK – Today is Maria’s birthday. We had a small dinner at Frankies Spuntino in Brooklyn (that’s not a typo – it’s owned by two guys named Frankie). Shot with my Leica M9 and 50 mm Summilux lens.
Maria has a birthday
Maria has a birthday

On this day one year ago: Citicorp.


Events and holidays Family and friends Portrait

Tuesday October 19, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Antonio Monda’s birthday party. Antonio’s Wikipedia entry. At parties I work with a Nikon D700 and an 85mm f1.4 lens, shooting wide open. I never use flash. The advantage of the D700 is very, very good low light capability – it’s much better than the Leica that I use in other circumstances. Shooting the 85mm lens wide open results in very selective focus, which suits my shooting style.

Here’s Antonio and his daughter.

Antonio Monda

Here’s a part of the crowd cheering Antonio on as he blows out his candles. The woman who the focus is on is Donna Tartt. Behind her to the left is Maria Campbell, my wife; to the right is Jay McInerney.

Donna Tartt, Maria Campbell, Jay McInerney

On this date one year ago: October 19, 2009

Halloween House

Family and friends Recreation

Saturday August 14, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Water skiing on Lake Waramaug.
Lake Waramaug

Panasonic GF1 with 20mm “pancake” lens.


Wednesday August 4, 2010

PORTO SEGURO, BRAZIL – A travel day from Porto Seguro to Paraty via Sao Paulo. This from the Porto Seguro airport. I’m shooting with the 35mm Summicron pre-Asph. version IV lens, the “bokeh king”, which is noted for the quality of the out of focus portions of the image.
Porto Seguro Airport

Leica M9 with 35mm Summicron pre-Asph. version IV lens.

Family and friends Portrait

Saturday July 31, 2010 (click to comment)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We’re in New York today (unusual for us for a summer weekend), getting ready to fly to Brazil tonight. My wife, Maria Campbell, needed an up-to-date photo for an interview so that’s my photo for the day. Here are a couple of links with information about Maria:
NY Times article and Interview. Here’s a link the a Huffington Post article about her that used the photograph: Maria Campbell in Huffington Post
Maria Campbell

Nikon D700 with 85mm f1.4 lens.

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