Icon Interior Landscape Urban

Tuesday April 2, 2019

MANHATTAN – I took a tour of the New York Public Library’s main branch with Joshua Chuang, Director of the library’s rich visual collection. Great day with my Sony A7riii.

Day 3456 (!!) of one photograph every day for the rest of my life. What a number.

Public Library
Public Library
Public Library

On this date last year (day 3091 of one photo every day): Freak storm.

Freak storm out my window

Architecture Landscape Urban

Monday April 9, 2018

MANHATTAN – Shooting in and around GST today with my Sony A7rii converted to black and white imaging, and my f1.8 Carl Zeiss FE lens – a powerful high resolution combination.

Day 3098 of one photograph every day for the rest of o=my life.

Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Terminal
42nd Street Library

On this day four years ago (day 1637): Manhattan Cityscape

NY assemblage
NY assemblage

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