Landscape Street Urban

Thursday July 26, 2018

MANHATTAN – My hat inventory needs some help – I loose hats and summer Panama’s get tatty after a few years of use. So . . . I went to JJ Hat Center on lower Fifth Avenue to stock up. Since I don’t do selfies you’ll have to guess at what i bought.

Day 3206 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date three years ago (day 2110): Sixth Avenue

Sixth Avenue
Sixth Avenue

Landscape Urban

Wednesday July 25, 2018

MANHATTAN – I spent the day shooting with my Carl Zeiss Batis 85mm f1.8 lens, basically to decide whether to keep it. I also own the Sony 90mm f2.8 macro, which I tend to use much more that the Zeiss, despite its greater weight and the fact that it’s a stop and a third slower. I think the 90mm Sony wins this, for reasons that I can’t really put my finger on.

Day 3205 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day two years ago (day 2475 of one photo every day): Near Parma, Italy.

Polesine Italy

Landscape Urban

Thursday June 21, 2018

MANHATTAN – I took a walk today in Hell’s Kitchen and the theatre district, shooting as usual with my Sony A7rii converted to black and white imaging.

Day 3171 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Hell’s Kitchen
Vest Pocket Garden, Hell’s Kitchen

On this date three years ago (day 2075 of one photo every day): France

Day 2076 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Landscape Urban

Tuesday June 19, 2018

MANHATTAN – Out today with my black and white modified Sony camera and a good selection of lenses in and near Bryant Park, behind the 42nd Street Library. The place rocks.

Day 3169 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Near Bryant Park
Near Bryant Park
Near Bryant Park

On this day four years ago (day 1708 of one photo every day): Zoo

Day 1709 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Penguin House


Wednesday June 13, 2018

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I flew back from Boston today to JFK hoping to catch up with Maria and an event in Brooklyn. The flight was badly delayed so I missed the event, which I had counted on for my day’s photo activity, so I ended up shooting out of the window of a taxi stalled in traffic in the Van Wyck Expressway in Queens.

Day 3163 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Van Wyck
Van Wyck

On this day five years ago (day 1337 of one photo every day): Grand Central Terminal

Grand Central at night
Grand Central at night

Landscape Urban

Wednesday June 6, 2018

MANHATTAN – I’m now shooting regularly with my Sony A7rii that has been converted to black and white imaging by removing its Bayer filter. This plus some specialized image processing effectively double the resolution of this camera to 84 megs -far into medium format land. This only works with the very best lenses – lenses that perform well at 42 megs resolution don’t necessarily look great with resolution doubled. The Zeiss 25mm Batis lens that I’m shooting with today is more than up to the task. More on these topics as I develop more experience with this camera.

Day 3156 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this date four years ago (day 1695 of one photo every day): Rqcquet & Tennis Club

Racquet Club
Racquet Club

Street Urban

Wednesday May 23, 2018

MANHATTAN – Still shooting wide. A poor day for me visually – I had trouble getting into the moment.

Day 3142 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1185 Park Avenue

On this date last year (day 2777 of one photo every day): Bokeh again. Shot last year with a Leica Q, a camera that I owned briefly and didn’t care for. It has a fixed 28mm lens, actually an excellent lens, but a focal length that I don’t care for because it’s the equivalent of an iPhone perspective and is accordingly “common”. As you will see the lens’s bokeh is slightly edgy.

New York

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