Day 3374 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this date eight years ago (day 452 of one photo every day): 125th Street.

All of these lenses work well with the Sony 7Rm2 – which is turning into the universal platform for all lenses ever made. I spent some time experimenting with the old Zeiss lenses today. They are uncoated, so there can be a slightly dreamy quality and veiling flair tends to make shadows look transparent. Dreamy wide open; thoroughly modern stopped down.
I’ve included a night image through the 1938 f1.5 Sonnar 50mm shot wide open, and a picture of the lenses and their adapter.
Day 2178 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
On this day four years ago (day 717): Laura
Day 1,881 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.
On this day four years ago (day 440): Riverside Drive South. We seem to have a “look up at streetlight” motif on December 9.
On this day last year: Subway.
From this day one year ago: Churches in Torrington.
On this day last year: Bloomberg Building.