NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A dreary morning for weather. I decided to use the opportunity to reorganize our kitchen, which is where I spend most of my time when I’m not at the office or looking for interesting light. Leica M9 and Wide Angle Tri Elmar.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I’m confined to midtown Manhattan for the next several days, occupied most daylight hours in meetings. I had a chance to further my exploration of Manhattan architecture and an icon or two in early morning and late afternoon light. Here’s one in late afternoon light on Park Avenue:
Park Avenue sunset
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – In an effort to get my mojo back a decided to shift gears for a couple of days and shoot infrared (using my Leica M8 and infrared filters.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – On the way to pick up my car to drive to Bridgehampton for a meeting a caught the northern facade of 1185 Park Avenue in wonderful morning light. Not much going on visually in the Hamptons so I’m posting this.
1185 Park Avenue
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We’re planning a trip to East Africa in mid-August. This is an experiment with a new lens that I bought for the trip – stalking a floral arrangement in our living room.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This is out the window of our 11th floor apartment, looking into our courtyard. Our building is doing “Local Law 10” work on the exterior. Local law 10, which requires periodic inspection and repairs of building facades, was enacted in 1980 after a piece of terra cotta masonry fell from the facade of an Upper West Side building and killed a passing college student.
1185 Park Avenue - Local Law 10 work
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A truly beastly day. We’re suffering under a record heat wave in the Northeast. I sought refuge in the shade of the plaza of Lever House and shot passers by against the backdrop of Hello Kitty. Not a good day to be outdoors.