
Sunday November 12, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’m continuing to experiment with film – today shooting medium format with my Mamiya 7. This camera, which is effectively a great big plastic Leica (getting 10 6x7cm images on a roll of 120 film), is noted for its remarkable lenses. Mamiya, for example, copied the design for the lens on the Hasselblad Superwide and actually improved on it in the 43mm wide angle (giving the equivalent angle of view of the Hasselblad Superwide or a 21mm lens on a full frame digital camera). The scans came out beautifully. I’m including a small gallery to give you a sense of how these are coming out.

Day 2,950 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


Park Avenue
From our window
Mount Sinai

On this day last year (day 2,585): Big rock – one of my best of these types of images.

Litchfield County

Landscape Urban

Monday April 24, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Out and about today with my Leica Monochrom and a very special lens: a Leica 35mm Summicron version IV that was manufactured in 1982, the so-called “bokeh king”. This lens does indeed have fairly creamy bokeh (the character of the out of focus portions of images) so I shot subjects that provided an opportunity to demonstrate bokeh. You may remember that I’m reviewing my whole lens collection on the subject of bokeh.

Day 2,748 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day last year (day 2383): Red brick. Stitched from many frames.

Day 2383 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life
Park Avenue

Interior Landscape Urban

Thursday March 16, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – The highlight of my day was a visit to our doctor’s office for my annual echo cardiogram. There was nice light on Park Avenue.

Day 2,709 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day two years ago (day 1,979): Kitchen I was definitely hard up last year – reduced to shooting a vase of tulips.

Day 1979 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Venini Vase

Landscape Urban

Thursday March 2, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A look up. I’ve done this before. Not very interesting.

Day 2,695 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life


On this day seven years ago (day 138): Meth cooker – Salton Sea

Salton Seal

Landscape Urban

Tuesday February 14, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – On my walk down Park Avenue to an early morning breakfast meeting I looked up. Later in the morning I caught a reflection of the AT&T building. Both taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Summicron FLE lens; the second image is three frames stitched.

Day 2,679 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day three years ago (day 1,583): Reservoir

Central Park Reservoir
Central Park Reservoir

Landscape Urban

Thursday January 5, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More time in midtown working on 432 Park Avenue. More to come here.

Day 2,639 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day four years ago (day 1,543): Santa Monica Pier


Landscape Urban

Wednesday January 4, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Park Avenue from a friend’s office. Later, at dinner, we broke out a very special bottle of wine.

Day 2638 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

New York NY

On this day five years ago (day 812): Earthship house, near Taos NM. A housing development constructed of old tires, beverage cans and mud.

Taos NM

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