WARREN CONNECTICUT – Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. It’s not commercial and is a lovely long weekend for family and friends. This year Alexander and Laura (and Baby V) celebrated it with Laura’s family so Maria, Francesca and I joined some friends who are just down the road a bit in here in Warren. I contributed the turkey to the festivities, never one of my favorite dishes, as well as some braised mushrooms and gravy. Here’s a Thanksgiving gallery.
Dusting of snowGuests arriveActivityMore ActivityTableFood Glorious FoodA rare misfire
NEW YORK NEW YORK = Another weekend not in Connecticut. This was for a good reason though: Andrew Solomon’s birthday party. Many interesting images with my Sony RX100 II – here’s one of the best:
Andrew’s Birthday Party
WARREN CONNECTICUT – Cocktails with our friends Doug and Judy Hamilton and Pilobolus, a dance company. All taken with my Leica Monochrom and Luxochron lens.
DancersDougShadesFaux Moore
NEW YORK NEW YORK – I shot a bunch of different cameras today. My iPhone, shooting an anniversary present: a silver Tiffany bowl from the early 1930s; the engraver misspelled Maria as “Marcia”; this would be hard to explain to Maria so I sent it back to be re-engraved; it won’t be ready for our actual anniversary on September 29. Tough luck. My Leica Monochrom with my Luxochrom lens on the street; I’m consistently getting my strongest images from this combination. My Sony RX100 II: the setup for an anniversary party (given by us for us) at the Knickerbocker Club. Same camera: an image of me and two friends at the party taken by one of our guests. I didn’t shoot at the party because I really did have to connect with everyone there and photography gets in the way. It’s the difference between being and observer and a participant. I’m usually happy to be an observer (delighted, actually, being an observer feeds my inner introvert) but tonight I need to participate.
Anniversary PresentPedestrianKnickerbocker ClubNot taken by me
NEW YORK NEW YORK – This evening we went to a celebration at the Knickerbocker Club for Words Without Boarders, a not-for-profit that Maria is involved with. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 35mm Summicron v. 4 lens (the Bokeh King).
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Our annual partners retirement dinner – our firm’s most important social event of the year – at the Four Seasons Restaurant this year. This year I decided to follow one partner around with my Leica Monochrom and Noctilux lens. Here are some samples.