
Thursday May 24, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent the morning at the ICP in my landscape class. It was a review work kind of day – I brought in some proofs of my 11th Avenue project. I spent breaks lurking through the halls of the ICP looking for subjects of interest. Here’s what came out of that not-wildly-successful hunt. Taken with my Leica M9 and Nocitlux, but don’t blame the camera and lens.

On this day one year ago: Digital Transitions.

35th Street
35th Street


Thursday October 6, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent the day at my office. I had tossed my Alpa into a bag so I was equiped for wide angle. Our firm has a collection of chromogenic prints prints of images made in the 1980s by Jim Dow of every major league baseball stadium. The images were taken with an 8×10 camera and typically consist of 3 unstitched panoramic images.
Jim Dow at Debevoise
Jim Dow at Debevoise

On this day one year ago: a party at the Forbes Gallery.

Culture Portrait

Wednesday September 14, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – All day meetings. This evening I “appropriated” an image from our collection, shooting it with my Alpa TC. Wikipedia has a good article on appropriation in art. The original image is by Manuel Alvarez Bravo. Here’s a link to an uncropped version: Woman in shadows.

On this day last year: the Seagrams Building again.

Seagrams Building
Seagrams Building

Culture Interior Landscape

Tuesday September 6, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I dropped by the Matthew Marks Gallery to catch up with a show on landscape called La Carte d’aprês Nature. It caught my attention because it included a dozen or so images by Luigi Ghirri, who we collect. Interesting show. I was there with my Leica M9 and 28mm Summicron lens.
Matthew Marks Gallery
Matthew Marks Gallery

From the street walking back from the gallery.

West 22nd Street
West 22nd Street

On this day one year ago: New Milford Connecticut. I said that this is a crap town a year ago and I’m sticking with my story.

Rugs & Carpets Simmons Bedding Fine Furniture

Culture Interior

Tuesday March 8, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I had a long day in the office so I caught up with my photo-a-day obligations at home. Why not a project of photographing personal objects? Here’s a photograph of a photograph of Charis Wilson on the dunes at Oceano in 1936. As photographed by Edward Weston. I’m knocking off Louise Lawler’s ideas. We were about the same age that Charis was in this picture when we bought it. We had no idea how young she and we were.
Edward Weston
Edward Weston

On this day one year ago: Fogged in in Palm Springs.

Palm Springs airport

-Woody's Picks Culture Interior

Tuesday December 7, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I spent the morning visiting galleries in Chelsea. There was a terrific Hiroshi Sugimoto installation at the Pace. Pictures of “lighting” manufactured by a telsa coil and a few of his much earlier “beyond infinity” seascapes, shown below. My largest regret in life is that I didn’t buy one of these images years ago when they were first offered at $3,500 each (well it seemed like a lot of money at the time). Here’s a link to Sugimoto’s seascapes.

Sugimoto at the Pace

I also spent some time with Elizabeth Kabler, a friend of my daughter’s and now a friend of mine, at her gallery Skylight Projects.

From this day one year ago: Approach to the Brooklyn Bridge.

Brooklyn Bridge

Culture Home

Wednesday July 21, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Today was packed with activities. Meetings in the morning, a business lunch and cooking all afternoon for a dinner party at home. I was planning on getting my picture for the day at dinner, but realized after the last guest had left that I had gotten so involved in conversations that I hadn’t picked up a camera. 11:00 PM and no picture. I’ve vowed never to post a picture of our dog, so that’s out. I tried shooting out the window at the dark city scape without much success. Finally I shot a pair of images on our wall by Penny Umbrico – blown up images from a curtain catalogue. Here’s a link to Penny’s work: Penelope Umbrico
Curtain catalogues

Nikon D700 with 85mm f1.4 lens.

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