SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA – Another day of bicycling. For most of the day it was partially cloudy with a high unattractive sky but later in the day it cleared so I got some ok images in the park in front of our hotel. Taken with my Leica Monochrom.
On this day last year: Good light. Field and tree line from Warren.
SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA – I spent the afternoon bicycling on the beach in Santa Monica and Venice. Here’s an image toward sunset taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Summilux lens.
Santa Monica Beach
SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA – We started the day in Manhattan and ended it in Santa Monica. Maria is here on business and I’m tagging along to explore Santa Monica and Naples and to drive up to Camera West in Rancho Mirage to trade my extensive Phase One and Alpa technical camera gear for a Leica S medium format camera. The technical camera actually brings out the worst in me – my shooting gets cramped and stilted (to my eye) once I put the camera on a tripod. More on this in future posts. For today I shot this fellow artist on the Santa Monica pier (a refuge for harmless sleaze) with my Leica Monochrome and a 35mm Leica Summilux wide angle lens.
Here’s a no-no. A pet. Basil, our splendid Norwich Terrier. I’ve sworn never to post pictures of pets or cute kids, so this is bad behavior on my part. Taken with my iPhone and processed a bit.