
Tuesday April 17, 2018

MANHATTAN – Victoria and her dad at Brick Presbyterian Church Day School.

Day 3106 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day seven years ago (day 549 of one photo every day): Shanghai

Day 550 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Hongqiuo Rail Terminal

Landscape Urban

Saturday September 24, 2011

SHANGHAI – Back in Pudong for some images from the early morning. This is a travel day, usually a disaster for my photo-a-day project, but my departure time is a civilized noon, so I had time to get out in the good morning light before going to the airport.
Pudong at sunrise
Pudong at sunrise
Pudong at sunrise
Pudong at sunrise
Street art
Street art

20 hours later, but still Saturday, we’re back in Connecticut in time to catch a sunset with my Alpa:

Sunset in Connecticut
Sunset in Connecticut

On this day last year: Out my window. I’ve taken quite a few of these. I have to resolve to stop it. Or find a new window.

Out my window

Culture Landscape Street Urban

Friday September 23, 2011

SHANGHAI – We have mostly finished our meetings so we spent part of the day as tourists. We went to the Shanghai Museem – Maria and I had been here in April. The collection is good but a little disappointing given Shanghai’s stature. In April we photographed the stairwell – it was the second photograph in my post for April 19. Here’s a link – scroll down to the second photo. stairway in Shanghai Museum. I shot the stairway again, this time a close up of the dragon-motifed banister.

I got bored with the Museum so I took a walk in the neighboring People’s Square. There were young couples with a single child everywhere, a result of China’s one child policy. The Chinese say that single children have six parents (including four grandparents) so they are seriously doted-upon. See the image below.

Finally the Shanghai municipal government’s building is located on the People’s Square. it was finished in the 1990s. It is clearly meant to be imposing but only succeeds at being tedious – typical of civic architecture everywhere in the world.

All images taken with my Panasonic GH2 and 1 14-140mm zoom lens.

Stylized dragon
Stylized dragon
One Child Policy
One Child Policy

On this day last year: East 51st Street.

East 51st Street

Icon Landscape Urban

Wednesday September 21, 2011

SHANGHAI – We traveled yesterday to this remarkably photogenic city. We stayed on the Pudong side of the river at the Park Hyatt Shanghai, located on the upper floors of the Shanghai World Financial Center. From an architectural standpoint the SWFC (as it is known) is one of the better and more appealing super tall skyscrapers. I regretted not having my Alpa kit and the time to use it. Here’s what was possible with my Panasonic GH2.
SWFC and the moon
SWFC and the moon

On this day one year ago: Grand Central Terminal.

Grand Central Terminal -ramp from the lower level

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