Animals Landscape

Saturday February 19, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Another cold day in Connecticut. Taken with my Alpa TC.
It's still winter
It's still winter

Here’s a different treatment of the image that I posted on February 12

Clear and cold
Clear and cold

On this day one year ago: Experimenting with a pinhole image.


Landscape Religion Small town

Sunday February 13, 2011

NEW PRESTON CONNECTICUT – A really gray day. New Preston is a small village near us just off of Route 202. Politically it’s part of Washington Connecticut. The Congregational parish has two church buildings: a traditional neo-classical wooden structure where the congregation meets for most of the year, and a stone church where they meet in August. New Preston doesn’t have a green so both buildings are sited awkwardly – the stone church s literally 6 feet from the edge of the road. Taken with my Alpa TC.
New Preston Stone Church
New Preston Stone Church

On this day one year ago: a gray icy day in Warren Connecticut. This seems to be a theme this time of year.

Warren, Connecticut


Saturday February 12, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Back to shooting digital. Over the next few weeks I’ll be shooting primarily with my Alpa TC and its sensational 36mm Schneider APO lens (translating to 35mm terms the lens is equivalent to a 24mm). I’ve attached my Hasselblad H4D 60 digital back to the camera. This results in a very compact camera with a 60 meg sensor. There are no focus or exposure aids so I carry as laser distometer and a spot meter when I shoot with this camera. The Hasselblad back does not have its own power supply (it’s normally powered by the Hasselblad body), so I also carry an external battery that powers the back through its firewire 800 port. Here are a couple of sample images; one in grayscale and one in color:
Snow drifts
Snow drifts
Clear and cold
Clear and cold

On this day one year ago: An infrared image of the Ferrari dealership on Park Avenue. This has a lot going on in it with the AT&T building in the background. One of my favorite IR images since I’ve started this project.



Sunday February 6, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Maria and I went snowshoeing today – the snow is actually chest deep. This is the most severe winter in memory. I took my Hasselblad and a 28mm lens and captured this on the way back.
Luke Tanner's orchard
Luke Tanner\’s orchard

On this day one year ago: a not very interesting IR image.

New Preston falls


Saturday February 5, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Today there was an ice storm – a gray day in the extreme. This is a color image. You couldn’t walk on our road, let alone drive on it. Here’s a three frame stitch captured with my Hasselblad H4D-60 and a 300mm lens.
Ice storm
Ice storm

On his day last year: Connecticut landscape at night.

Warren Connecticut

Infrared Landscape

Friday February 4, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Deep snow in Connecticut. Shot in Infra red with my Leica M8.2.
Bad winter
Bad winter

On this day last year: Lexington Avenue landscape.

Lexington Avenue

Landscape Transportation Urban

Sunday January 30, 2011

NEW YORK, HEW YORK –  An SUV that had the misfortune to be parked on the street during the three snowstorms that hit New York while we were away.   The snow quickly passes from a beautiful white blanket hiding the City’s flaws to a dirty eyesore. Taken with my Leica.

On this date last year: An infrared image from Connecticut, stitched from four images.

Warren, after a snowfall

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