
Saturday January 19, 2013

LITCHFIELD CONNECTICUT – Still working with my Leica Monochrom and an 80 year old Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar lens, which produces a lovely “glow”. I’ve shot this church many times in this is one of my favorites. Three frames stitched in Photoshop.
Litchfield Church
Litchfield Church

On of many war memorials on the Litchfield green.

Korea Memorial
Korea Memorial

On this day one year ago: Williamsburg.



Tuesday January 15, 2013

DALLAS TEXAS – Here on business. It snowed last night and is a lot colder than New York, which took me by surprise. This is out the window of the building that we’re meeting in – three frames taken with my iPhone and stitched in Photoshop. We had dinner at Cowboys Stadium – an iPhone images from there.
iPhone in Dallas
iPhone in Dallas
Dallas Cowboys Stadium
Dallas Cowboys Stadium

On this day one year ago: School buses in Morris CT.

School Buses, Morris CT
School Buses, Morris CT

Home Landscape

Monday December 31, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Another day of showshoeing – this time in a different direction. We revisited the junk truck that I’ve posted on this site previously, and later did some work comparing lenses shooting our house from a tripod. Both images taken with my Leica MM and 35mm Summicron lens, which I subsequently sold. I purchased a copy of the current Leica 35mm Suumicron to test side by side with my Leica 35mm Summilux Asph lens. After a couple of weeks of shooting both i decided that I like the rendering of the Summilux better so I sold the Summicron. Buying and selling good used Leica lenses involves very little cost because the market is so robust.
Junk truck
Junk truck
Lens test
Lens test

On this day last year: Party on!. New Years Eve party in Taos with my iPhone.

New Years Eve
New Years Eve


Sunday December 30, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – At last, a lovely crisp winter day with relatively new snowfall (actually nicely windblown for my purposes). In the late afternoon we took our Leica Monochrom and a vintage 1950s era Dual Range Summicron lens out snowshoeing with Maria. The main point of snowshoes in Connecticut (at least this year) is not deep snow but ice – they have crampons built into them which permit you to crunch across ice fields with confidence. We went out our door and over a neighbor’s farmland. The first image is two frames stitched.
Winter wind
Winter wind

On this day one year ago: Taos.

Lunch at St Bernard
Lunch at St Bernard


Friday December 28, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I did some work today with my Leica Monochrom and my 1945 vintage Carl Zeiss Jena 5cm. f1.5 Sonnar lens. The results on this sunny snow-covered day were pleasing enough to me to warrant an mini-gallery so here you go:
More Ice
More Ice

On this day one year ago: Sundial.



Thursday December 27, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – A cold, dreary day. Taken with m Leica Monochrom and an 18mm Super Elmar.
Stubble field
Stubble field
Washington Club beach
Washington Club beach

On this day last year: Francesca’s portrait by Jemima Kirke who is a painter when she isn’t an actress.

Thilo and Francesca
Thilo and Francesca

-Woody's Picks Landscape Out my window Urban

Wednesday November 7, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – You read a lot about the weather on this blog. Woody’s weather channel. what a bore. But the weather really affects me. At the core I’m an landscape photographer; in New York we happen to have an urban landscape; the weather dramatically affects how it looks. Today we had a serious snow storm. The snow turned to slush by the time it reached the ground and photographed as a medium gray sludge. Not to my liking so I pointed my camera out the windows of our apartment to give you a gallery of water tanks, obscured by the snow, on surrounding buildings. All taken with my Leica Monochrom and a135mm APO-Telyt lens.
Snow on water tanks
Snow on water tanks
Early Winter Storm
Early Winter Storm

On this dat=y one year ago: Dandy. Taken with my long-g0ne Ricoh GRD.


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