Landscape Urban

Wednesday April 11, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK (yes it’s that place again) – I took the big guy out today (my Alpa) hoping for landscape. The light was a disappointment – the camera is heavy so it’s really no fun to lug it around all day and come home empty handed. Well not quite empty. The playground near the 96th street subway stop was momentarily suffused in curtain filtered sunlight so I caught this (Alpa with Phase One IQ 180 back and 32mm Rodenstock lens).

On this day one year ago: James Beard Foundation popup restaurant.

JBF Ltd. - James Beard Foundation restaurant pop-up
JBF Ltd. - James Beard Foundation restaurant pop-up

Events and holidays Family and friends

Sunday February 5, 2012

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Well, well, well. Here we are on Super Bowl Sunday and New York has a horse in the race. One of the great surprises of the regular season. We had a dozen or so friends over to watch the game and eat chili, corn chips, salsa, empanadas and so on, and to drink a dozen obscure varieties of beer (once again I found some Full Sail IPA) and some pretty decent wines. I shot the festivities with my Nex-7 and the 24mm Sony Schneider. As you will see from the image below ambient light was not all that low, but it still hunted like the devil focusing. A big problem at events. But the image quality is very nice.

From earlier in the day. Taken in Warren with m Alpa Max and 72mm Schneider lens. Two frames stitched.


On this day last year: ice storm.

Ice storm
Ice storm

Family and friends

Sunday June 19, 2011

WASHINGTON CONNECTICUT – Well here it is, Fathers Day again. This is a stupid ersatz “holiday” made up by greeting card publishers, but my public position on it is that it’s the most important holiday on the calendar. At least that’s what I tell my children.

Alexander and I celebrated by playing a round of golf. When asked if I play I can truthfully say “no”, but I do own a set of clubs and maintain a golf membership at our local club in Connecticut. Anyway, here’s Alexander doing what he does best on the golf course, which is pounding the hell out of the ball off the tee – he outdrives me by about the length of Central Park.

Alexander tees off
Alexander tees off

On this day one year ago: a shot (which no one much liked) of a perennial boarder in Connecticut.

Perennial boarder

Family and friends Recreation

Thursday March 31, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I went to the Yankees season opener against Detroit at the new Yankee Stadium. I associate baseball with early summer days with the stands full of women wearing halter tops. It wasn’t like that. It was colder than hell and wet (the rain delay has bowed to commercial interests) but we were in one of the owners’ suites so we could periodically warm up. The Yankee’s offense and fielding looked terrific. CC Sabathia pitched and put in a sloppy performance – heroic fielding saved a couple of runs – the margin of the 6-3 win. It’s going to be a long season for the Yankees if they can’t muster better starting pitching than this. Here’s the story. No joy in winning against Detroit given the sorry state that the city is in.

I took some pictures of the game and the crowd but I didn’t like any of them. Not my genre. This was taken with my Leica M9 and the bokeh king:

Bob Forbes at the Yankees opener
Bob Forbes at the Yankees opener

On this day last year: a pedestrian image out my living room window.

Out my window
Out my window

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