On this day last year: Racquet and Tennis Club.
On this day last year: Racquet and Tennis Club.
On this day last year: Look up.
Two takes on the same subject. Same camera but with my 35mm Leica Summicron v.IV, a lens from the 1970s known as the “bokeh king”.
On this day one year ago: Spring in Connecticut. Spring is arriving at least three weeks later this very cold year. But last year at this time . . . this year I’m working with my Monochrom a lot to avoid the Spring colors trap.
I shot the snowdrops with my iPhone – that’s how I get close to small things.
On this day last year: 11th Avenue.
On this day last year: Blond. Yawn . . .
Same lens (21mm) but three frames stitched.
On this day one year ago: Dinner at the Fours Seasons.
On this day last year: Dinner at the Red Rooster. Here we are taking part in Harlem Renaissance II.