Infrared Interior

Sunday April 29, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – A good day in the country. There was a moment when a shaft of sunlight illuminated a vase in the kitchen – a fleeting moment caught with my Sony Nex-7 and 24mm Summilux lens. Later in the day I walked around with my infrared camera, a Panasonic LX3 that has been adapted so that it’s sensitive to infra red light only.

Good light in the kitchen

Out of the closet
Out of the closet

IR Trees

On this day one year ago: Southbury Congregational Church

Southbury Congregational Church
Southbury Congregational Church


Sunday April 15, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Our Callery Pear trees, running at full throttle. These aren’t really pears – they are a distant cousin of the rose, originally from China, but now widely used as a cultivar here. They are highly valued for their symmetry and dense, long lasting foliage. This is very early for them – we’ve had a warm, dry spring. Taken with my Alpa TC, Phase One back and 32mm Rodenstock lens.
Callery Pears
Callery Pears

On this day last year: a dreaded travel day. A lounge at Newark Airport.

Continental Lounge Newark
Continental Lounge Newark

Garden Landscape

Saturday April 14, 2012

SPRINGTIME IN THE BERSKSHIRES – It’s hard not photographing Spring in Warren, here in the foothills of the Berkshire mountains (actually where I grew up the Berkshire mountains themselves would be considered foothills, and just barely at that). You’re going to have to suffer through flowering trees and shrubs on weekends for a few more weeks. I’ll try to keep it gritty during the week. Taken with my Alpa TC and 32mm Rodenstock lens.
Pear tree
Pear tree

On this day last year: One of Will Ryman’s roses on the Park Avenue Divider. Faux spring. This was taken with a Voigtlander 15mm lens on my Leica – I kind of liked the blue cast on the edge so I didn’t correct it.

Roses on Park Avenue
Roses on Park Avenue

Garden Landscape

Friday March 30, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Spring. Really. It kind of infects the images. Not that I mind it but the tulips are pretty much everywhere, and . . .well . . you’ve seen a tulip before. Taken with my Sony Nex-7 and a Leica 24mm Summilux.

On this day last year: Prometheus at Rock Center. Taken with my M9 and the Bokeh King.

Prometheus at Rockefeller Center
Prometheus at Rockefeller Center

Landscape Urban

Tuesday March 27, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent the morning in Central Park and midtown Manhattan with my Alpa TC, Phase One Back and Rodenstock 32mm lens. Spring is here. Really. The city is in bloom for a few precious weeks. I hate doing anything other than photograph this time of year, but of course pictures of spring flowers is probably not my strongest body of work.
Mottled light
Mottled light

On this day one year ago: Maria and Bunny.

Maria approves of a book
Maria approves of a book

Garden Landscape

Saturday May 28, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Back in Connecticut with my Hasselblad an the rain. This is one of my favorite images of the season.

The image below proves that dandelions aren’t the only flowers that we have. Nine images focus stacked in Helicon Focus.


On this day one year ago: Maria, one year younger.


Garden Home Landscape

Saturday May 21, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Most of the bushes and shrubs around our Warren house flower at some point between April and July, and everything turns invitingly green during this period. From a photographic standpoint it’s a little bit of a distraction because I doubt that MOMA or Pace will be showing any dynamic new photographers specializing in flowering shrubs any time soon. But nonetheless this pretty conventional landscape is hard to resist, so I spent the weekend wandering around with my Alpa and Hasselblad digital back.
Shade Warren CT
Shade Warren CT

On this day one year ago: Walking back from lunch. The restaurant that I mentioned in this post last year closed with no notice under mysterious circumstances. They just put a sign out saying they were closed. They had received excellent reviews and were always packed. The rumor mill suggests that it was something to do with the owner’s divorce or a litigation involving employee tips. Too bad.


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