Icon Landscape Religion

Saturday June 8, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Those of you who have followed these pages for some time know that we’re usually in Connecticut on weekends. Well not on this particular day. I drove back down to New York early this morning to attend a reunion at Columbia. A thoroughly enjoyable day. I spent a couple of hours in a tour of St. John the Divine, the massive, unfinished Episcopal cathedral here in Morningside Heights near the Columbia campus. Construction started in the late 19th Century on a Romanesque plan; around 1910 or so a new high gothic plan was developed so the structure is partly gothic and partly Romanesque. Pretty odd. Traditional building techniques were used – the construction is all masonry – there is no structural steel. This means that construction has been slow and expensive. Work stopped for after Pearl Harbor and was not restarted until the 1970. Work stopped again early in this Century when the Church decided that the money was better spent on its mission that this massive pile of stone.
St. John the Devine
St. John the Devine
St. John the Devine
St. John the Devine
St. John the Devine
St. John the Devine
St. John the Devine
St. John the Devine

On this day one year ago: Red star.


Icon Interior Religion Urban

Wednesday December 8, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Today I had breakfast with a friend near Columbia so I used the opportunity to continue my explorations of the Episcopal Cathedral St. John the Devine – the massive unfinished structure at Amsterdam Avenue and 112th Street. For more information on this massive undertaking see St. John the Divine. Shot with my Leica M9 and a 12mm Voigtlander lens. The frontal composition obviously has a lot in common with my December 7, 2010 entry.

St. John the Devine

On this day one year ago: Party for some colleagues.

Party at home

Interior Landscape Religion Urban

Monday September 27, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I went to Morningside Heights today to meet my daughter for lunch (she’s a student at Columbia Law School). It was pouring rain. I arrived a bit early and ducked into the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine. A really interesting subject – I’ll be back in better light. Here’s a link to St. John the Divine; here’s a Wikipedia link St. John the Unfinished. Construction continues on this vast structure, which was started in 1892.

St. John the divine

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