
Sunday May 15, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – This was another in a seemingly endless string of rainy, foggy days. This is actually a continuation of the months of very heavy precipitation that we had during out long, hard winter. In reality the rain is a blessing. Steven Solomon’s book Water suggests that we’re on the verge of a global crisis where in many parts of the world the supply of clean water will not meet the needs of expanding population. The North Eastern United States is one of the regions of the world with a water surplus and enough rain to permit agriculture with little irrigation. Of course in Connecticut “agriculture” means digging massive stones out of the earth and fighting frost in May and October . . .

This is Lake Waramaug from the Hopkins Inn taken with my Leica M9 and the Bokeh King.

Lake Waramaug
Lake Waramaug

Earlier in the day I caught this with my M9 and a 135mm APO Telyt lens.

Spring Rain
Spring Rain

On this day last year: Trump Bar.

AT&T Building

Garden Landscape

Sunday December 26, 2010

WARREN CONNECTICUT – The leading edge of the Boxing Day blizzard. We stocked up on food in the morning on the theory that the blizzard would leave us snow bound for a couple of days, which turned out to be the case. Here’s an image from the early hours of the storm, taken with my Hasselblad H4D-60 and a tilt shift adapter that permits view camera-like movements, that I’ve used here to enhance the shallow depth of field. The image is in color but the weather froze the color out of the landscape.

On this day one year ago: San Miguel de Allende.


-Woody's Picks Landscape

Friday November 26, 2010

click for more

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We had a very quiet day with our family, making, then eating, turkey hash. My recipe comes from the Old Drovers Inn in Duchess County New York, which was justifiably famous for it. The Old Drovers Inn is, alas, no more: RIP Old Drovers Inn.

The day started with a light rain and ground fog. I got this with my Leica and a 135mm APO-Telyt on a tripod.

Ground fog Warren CT

On this date last year: Thanksgiving 2009.

Thanksgiving 2009


Tuesday October 26, 2010

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – The weather in Chicago was truly appalling. Heavy rain drive in horizontal sheets by the high wind. I stayed inside at the mutual funds conference, managing a few pictures out the window. Not a great day for photography. Leica M9 with 90mm Elmarit lens.
Horizontal Rain in Chicago
Horizontal Rain in Chicago

On this date one year ago: Andrea Spell’a coffee trailer in Portland Oregon

Andrea Spella

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