Portrait Street

Thursday July 31, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – While waiting on the 53rd Street Station for the E train (which is depressingly far under ground) I heard the sound of “Amazing Grace” being played on a bagpipe. I walked the length of the platform to investigate and found, rather than a ruddy Scot campaigning for succession, a wan, very sick-looking, young man. Here he is.

Day 1,751 on one picture every day for the rest of my life.


On this day three years ago (day 654): Lamu.

Lamu seaside
Lamu seaside

Landscape Urban

Friday January 4, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 18mm Super Elmar lens – one of my very favorite lenses.

On this day last year: Earthship.

Earthship 1
Earthship 1


Monday December 17, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – On the subway platform with my Leica Monochrom and vintage 40mm Summicron-C lens.
Grumpy Santa
Grumpy Santa

Interesting. Here’s a compass rose on a Park Avenue island that I hadn’t noticed before. It makes the point the the Manhattan grid is tilted 29 degrees West, more or less.

Compass Rose
Compass Rose

On this day last year: Self in steam shower.

Steam Shower
Steam Shower

Landscape Street

Tuesday December 11, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A day of changing light. There was a brief moment of sunlight as I walked up the steps at the 86th Street subway station. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and an 18mm Super Elamr lens.
Subway steps
Subway steps

On this day one year ago: Torrington Congregational Church.

Center Congregational Church Torrington
Center Congregational Church Torrington

Landscape Street Urban

Wednesday August 22, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’ve just come through a couple of poor days from a photo point of view. A major mistake and a major blah. I resolved to get serious today so I bolted the Nocti on to my M9, screwed on the .9 neutral density filter (so I can shoot wide open at f.95 in daylight) and went out into the world (actually to 22nd Street to put some film in for processing). Not bad. A day of looking up. It looks like my mojo just went into hiding for the last couple of days.
Subway Steps
Subway Steps

Dinner with the Nocti.


Shot through a sheet of saran wrap over the lens.


On this day last year: Look up!

Look up!
Look up!


Tuesday April 10, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – All day meetings. I mean starting at 8:30 and ending at 6:30. These tend to be crumby photo days but once again I got lucky and captured this with my Sony Nex-7 and 24mm Leica Summilux at the subway entrance at 59th and Lexington.

On this day last year: Another good flower shot. The 24mm Summilux does its magic again.


Icon Landscape Street

Tuesday February 7, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I equipped my Sony Nex-7 with my Leica 35mm pre asph. Summicron (v.IV), which I’ve previously identified on these pages as the “Bokeh King” (“bokeh” refers to the quality of the out of focus image). I took it to the office on the subway (“riding with the king”) and then walked a bit in really good morning light. The camera is very, very responsive in terms of shutter lag – I was able to catch a person standing on the platform as a train sped by.

On this day one year ago: A picture of our firm’s logo. Taken with the Bokeh King – the out of focus portions of this image really are lovely. Another from the “King and I” series.


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