Landscape Urban

Wednesday September 19, 2018

MANHATTAN – Out Francesca’s and Derek’s window with my Leica M10.

Day 3261 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

East 87th Street

On this date five years ago (day 1435 of one photo every day): Helmsley Building. Technically defective but well seen.

Formerly the New York Central Building

Landscape Urban

Tuesday September 4, 2018

MANHATTAN – The Leica M10-P arrived today! I charged up the battery, strapped on my APO-Summicron 50mm lens (which I call the Luxochron – one of the lenses I didn’t sell) and went out to shoot some familiar territory. It’s great to be back shooting with a rangefinder – the frame lines really do change the way you see. I’ll be spending the next month or so getting familiar with this camera. The first image is a three frame stitch.

Day 3246 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

East 94th Street, Manhattan
Fifth Avenue Manhattan
Fifth Avenue Manattan

On this date seven years ago (day 689): tree line Warren CT shot seven years ago with my medium format Phase One camera (subsequently sold). I’ve re-edited this image, completely re-imagining it.

Tree line, Warren CT

Architecture Landscape Urban

Sunday April 8, 2018

MANNHATTAN – Back here early to set up my new computer in my newly-renovated home office. Ready to rock and roll again. I actually got some ok images today (a departure from the slump that I’ve been in for the last week) including the image below of the house on Fifth Avenue that used to be the Audubon Society, became the ICP, and is now a hedge fund manager’s private home.

Day 3097 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this date five years ago (day 1271): The Old Patent Office


Landscape Urban

Wednesday March 21, 2018

MANHATTAN – We had another heavy snow storm today – winter seems to be a never-ending phenomenon this year. I was feeling centered and symmetrical today. Images shot with my Sony A7rii converted to monochrome (by removing the camera’s Bayer filter).

Day 3079 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Winter's grip continues!
East 88th Street
Winter's grip continues!
Firth Avenue
Winter's grip continues!
Central Park

On this day last year (day 2713 of one photo every day): Doug and Judy’s house shot from a drone.

Drone View

Landscape Urban

Monday March 19, 2018

MANHATTAN – I was out and about today with my Sony A7rii (converted to monochrome imaging) in good light. Actually an unusually good day so I’m presenting a gallery.

Day 3077 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Sony A7rii converted to monochrome
Facade work
Sony A7rii converted to monochrome
Sony A7rii converted to monochrome
Sony A7rii converted to monochrome
Old school fire escapes
Sony A7rii converted to monochrome
Vest pocket park
Sony A7rii converted to monochrome

On this date six years ago (day 886): Las Vegas

Day 886 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life
Near the Wynn


Sunday November 12, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’m continuing to experiment with film – today shooting medium format with my Mamiya 7. This camera, which is effectively a great big plastic Leica (getting 10 6x7cm images on a roll of 120 film), is noted for its remarkable lenses. Mamiya, for example, copied the design for the lens on the Hasselblad Superwide and actually improved on it in the 43mm wide angle (giving the equivalent angle of view of the Hasselblad Superwide or a 21mm lens on a full frame digital camera). The scans came out beautifully. I’m including a small gallery to give you a sense of how these are coming out.

Day 2,950 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


Park Avenue
From our window
Mount Sinai

On this day last year (day 2,585): Big rock – one of my best of these types of images.

Litchfield County

Landscape Street Urban

Tuesday October 17, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Abroad with my Leica on the Upper East Side. The second image is of a building that we lived in for six months while our apartment was being renovated. Shot with film in my Leica M7.

Day 2,924 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life


On this day eight years ago (day 2): For rent Eight years ago was just post financial crisis so there ware a lot of for rent signs on store fronts. We’re seeing for rent signs again, this time because bricks and mortar retailers are being driven out of business by online stores.

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