NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Evidently some trees are so dangerous that they need to be caged.
Tag: Urban
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Infrared just East of Third Avenue.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Another day shooting infrared.  This time shopping on Fifth Avenue.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We went to the opera Thursday evening: The Met’s riveting production oF Richard Stauss’s Elektra.  Susan Bullock had her Met premier singing Elektra, Deborah Voigt broke new ground for herself as Chrysothemis, and Felicity Palmer did a sensational job as Klytemnestra.  I went to Lincoln Center early to do my photo of the day – my one potentially good image was spoiled as a security guard got in the way.  You evidently can’t shoot with a tripod in the Lincoln Center plaza – not even a very small one.  I’ve substituted the same point of view and time of day from a few days earlier.  I hope not to have to do this again.