Landscape Street Urban

Tuesday January 5, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Evidently some trees are so dangerous that they need to be caged.

Park Avenue

Infrared Landscape Urban

Friday December 18, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Infrared just East of Third Avenue.

Third Avenue

Infrared Landscape Urban

Thursday December 17, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Another day shooting infrared.  This time shopping on Fifth Avenue.

Fifth Avenue

Infrared Landscape Urban

Wednesday December 16, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back in my comfort zone: midtown Manhattan on a clear, sunny morning shooting infrared. A half dozen of my out takes are better than anything else that I’ve done this week.

Citicorp Center
Citicorp Center

Events and holidays Food and wine

Monday December 14, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Party at the Four Seasons Restaurant.

Four Seasons Restaurant
Four Seasons Restaurant

Culture Landscape Urban

Thursday December 10, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We went to the opera Thursday evening: The Met’s riveting production oF Richard Stauss’s Elektra.  Susan Bullock had her Met premier singing Elektra, Deborah Voigt broke new ground for herself as Chrysothemis, and Felicity Palmer did a sensational job as Klytemnestra.  I went to Lincoln Center early to do my photo of the day – my one potentially good image was spoiled as a security guard got in the way.  You evidently can’t shoot with a tripod in the Lincoln Center plaza – not even a very small one.  I’ve substituted the same point of view and time of day from a few days earlier.  I hope not to have to do this again.

Lincoln Center Fountain and the Metropolitan Opera House

Events and holidays

Tuesday December 8, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Party at home.

Party at home
Party at home

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