Day 2,680 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this day last year (day 2,314): Reservoir I had been watching for this shot for years.  It’s one of my favorites from last year.
Day 2,680 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
On this day last year (day 2,314): Reservoir I had been watching for this shot for years.  It’s one of my favorites from last year.
Day 2146 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
On this day five years ago (day 320): Water tank I’ve shot this shadow a number of times.
Day 1,957 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.
On this day last year (day 1,592): Wheels.
Day 1,819 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.
On this day two years ago (day 1,089): Ground fog.
The EVF permits me to use a Leica R 280mm lens on my Leica M (by means of a simple adapter). So I spent a couple of hours shooting out my window. The view through the EVF and the 280 is poor: it’s slithery and jumpy (because of the slow refresh rate of the EVF) and too contrasty to make valid exposure judgments. The focus aid, however, works very well. Based on the viewfinder I thought that I was getting junk, but all of the images ended up being well focused, exposed and composed. The lens is indeed excellent, although the digital camera exposes some red/green chromatic aberration that was probably not evident on film – its easily corrected for in Lightroom. Here are some examples:
On this day one year ago: Good light.
On this day last year: High Line. Shot with my Alpna and Phase One 80 meg. back.
On this day last year: Leaving town.