Icon Landscape Urban

Wednesday October 27, 2010

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – I was in Chicago for a mutual funds directors conference and managed this in magical early morning light. It’s the Wrigley Building taken out of my hotel window with my Leica M9 and a 50mm Summilux lens. Is it iconic? If I were from Chicago I might have a view on this. It has the great advantage of being on the Chicago River which permits viewing from a distance. The Chicago chapter of the AIA features a thumbnail of it on the header to its website: Chicago AIA. I’ve categorized it as an icon despite some misgivings (is it really in the same league as the Chrysler building?).

Wrigley Building sunrise

I collected a bunch of images in and around Millennium Park but most were tourist-style very wide angle images around the cloud gate. I thought this one on the walk back toward the Chicago River was interesting.


On this date last year we were at Full Sail Brewery in Hood River, Oregon.

Full Sail Brewery

Landscape Out my window Travel Urban

Monday October 25, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK and CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – Well I’m two for two on out the window shots for the day. I started the morning in New York with a lovely sunrise. Yes, I’ve said that I don’t do sunrises and sunsets but this seemed sufficiently spectacular to warrant and exception. Out our dining room window with my Leica M9 and 28mm Sumicron Asph. lens.
Manhattan sunrise

Midmorning I left for Chicago to attend an two day mutual fund directors’ conference. By the time I got to my hotel and registered for the conference the day’s rather poor light was failing. I took a walk along the Chicago River but didn’t take anything that I liked. When I got back to my hotel I got this out the window. Leica M9 and 90mm Elmarit lens.

Chicago River Tour Boat

On this date one year ago I was in Portland Oregon at a farmers market: October 25, 2009

Farmers Market Portland Oregon


Thursday October 7, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – From a walk through Chelsea past the New School.
The New School

Icon Landscape Out my window

Tuesday September 28, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – An overcast day with intermit clearing. The sky is really low. Here’s Citicorp center out my office window. I’m using a “new” old lens: a 40mm Leica Summicron-C from 1977. This lens was designed for use with the Leica CL, a “budget” camera produced in a joint venture with Minolta. Leica CL. I found this lens, which is in perfect condition, at a very good price on e-bay – I’ve been watching for one for some time. It has the advantage of being the most compact Leica-built lens for M-mount cameras. It appears to be very, very good. I’ll be exploring its capabilities over the next few days.


Landscape Street Urban

Thursday September 23, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK = Still stuck in all day meetings. The morning light as a walked cross town to my first of the day was sensational – one of those crystal clear Indian summer days that make life in the North Eastern US worthwhile. Here’s an image from the street. Shot with my Leica M9 and a 28mm summicron lens. Two frames stitched in Photoshop.
East 51st Street


Sunday August 8, 2010

PARATY, BRASIL – This is our last morning in Paraty – in the afternoon we drove back to São Paulo – a five hour trip with Father’s Day traffic. That’s right, Father’s Day traffic. August 8 is Father’s Day in Brazil, and they take it seriously. This is reason enough to immigrate to Brazil. I’ve been trying to convince our children that Father’s Day is the most important calendar of the year, but I don’t think that they believe me.

Anyway, the image for the day. The weather was fine (the first bright clear morning) so I shot Portuguese colonial buildings, including this gem:


Leica M9 with 24mm Summilux lens. Two frames stitched.

Travel Urban

Wednesday July 14, 2010

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – Boston is not Barcelona. There is plenty of public art in Boston, but the quality overall is just ok. Here’s a part of a sculpture – the tail of what looks likes the Loch Ness monster that runs down the middle of the stairway that I’m standing on.

Leica M9 and 28mm Summcron lens.

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