NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back in Manhattan with my Leica.  This is more like it.  This image was stitched from three  frames and the perspective corrected in Photoshop.  It is very much emblematic of the women in my life.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back in Manhattan with my Leica.  This is more like it.  This image was stitched from three  frames and the perspective corrected in Photoshop.  It is very much emblematic of the women in my life.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – 94th Street at night.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Our my window, testing a new lens.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Dinner at Quatorze Bis.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Magical light on West 42nd Street.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Sunlight at last.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK — Another day of terrible weather, so back to Grand Central Terminal to work inside.